I have 2 folders one contains images files and the second contains text files each text file have the same name as the image file and contains information about the image.eg:


I want to delete images who has not a text file(in this example:4.jpg,5.jpg), I found a method how to determinate the different files but I can't delete them.

diff <(ls -1 ./Images | sed s/.jpg//g) <( ls -1 ./Labels | sed s/.txt//g)

3 Answers 3


Here is a small bash script that can help you to solve this task:

for file in Images/*.jpg
    if [[ ! -f "Labels/$(basename ${file%.*}).txt" ]]
        echo rm "$file"
  • Remove echo to do the actual changes.

The script must be executed in the parent directory, here it is formatted as inline command:

for f in Images/*.jpg; do if [[ ! -f "Labels/$(basename ${f%.*}).txt" ]]; then echo rm "$f"; fi; done
  • I am way too fond of sed, your solution is more elegant, thanks!
    – Dries
    Aug 2, 2019 at 16:15
  • In zsh you can use ${file:r} instead of ${file%.*} to get the filename minus one extension. It's smarter about what that means, which can be an advantage over substring matches when you're dealing with mixed paths that don't all fit a simple pattern. (e.g. file="foo.bar/baz"; echo ${file:r} will return foo.bar/baz, not foo. Though file="foo.bar/.baz" will produce foo.bar/ by either method, so some care is still required.)
    – FeRD
    Aug 3, 2019 at 3:06

I think I would do it like this:

for i in Images/*; do file=`echo $i | sed -e 's/jpg/txt/' -e 's/Images/Labels/'`; if [ ! -f "$file" ] ; then rm $i ; fi; done

If you want to make sure it works , before actually using it try this first:

for i in Images/*; do file=`echo $i | sed -e 's/jpg/txt/' -e 's/Images/Labels/'`; if [ ! -f "$file" ] ; then echo rm $i ; fi; done

It will show which commands will be executed.

cd /path/to/Images
LIST=$(find /path/to/Labels -iname *.txt -printf "%f|" | sed 's/.txt/.jpg/g')
rm -i !($LIST)
  1. Generates a list of txt files.
  2. Changes their extension to jpg.
  3. Removes anything that is not on the list.

    • -i is just for safety.

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