Have just updated my computer from Ubuntu 16 LTS to Ubuntu 18 LTS and the original Launcher is still there with the new "Dock" super-imposed over each other. How does one get rid of the original launcher so it doesn't interfer with the new OS?? I have relocated the "Dock" to the bottom of the window but the Launcher is still on the left but inoperative.


  • 1
    Can you add a screenshot? And have you installed by any chance the dash to dock extension?
    – dsSTORM
    Jan 9, 2019 at 16:35
  • I got the local tech to get rid of the old Launcher bar but now I can't set the window resolution---it is at the 4 X 3 locked in it seems and found no way to change it---need it to be a 16 X 9 or close to that.
    – Gary
    Jan 11, 2019 at 16:44


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