I recently started new mc server spigot with plugins. It worked fine. But after 100+ connections, 10 multiverse (plugin) worlds, and milion blocks i restarted the server. All was fine, spigot console commands worked (from SSH) but when i connect to server from pc, server immediantly stoped responding, from virtual box (not via SSH) console and i wasnt able to write something or just log in. After ubuntu server 18.10 restart from virtual box server was responding. But when i ran the spigot server from byobu, and connect from pc, ubuntu stopped responding and i haved to restart server again.

Sorry for bad english :v

(Using ubuntu server 4GB ram, 4 cores ver. 18.10, java: openjdk-8-jdk (package name))

  • could you post the relevant logfiles? namely the spigot log files and maybe the connecting client's logfiles
    – Zalgo
    Dec 28, 2018 at 3:40
  • @Zalgo this is my log: pastebin.com/KLftXcnJ it looks normal. After connecting, it just stopped writing log, and stopped responding. On client, after I tried to connect, Mc just showed me dirtblock background and Java error: "The connection was terminated by the remote host"
    – SansSerif
    Dec 29, 2018 at 9:58


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