I just installed i3wm after messing around with xmonad for a bit and I noticed that I'm receiving desktop notifications, like from Slack for example.

I thought that i3 came with a notifications daemon like it comes with a statusbar and tray, but that doesn't appear to be the case. I don't remember installing one.

How do I figure out what notification daemon is running so I can configure it?

Currently running Ubuntu 16.04.

  • Does faq.i3wm.org/question/4062/… have any hints?
    – DK Bose
    Oct 2, 2018 at 10:58
  • 3
    I checked that thread and poked around a bit - it appears to be Dunst. shows up in ps aux | grep dunst and responds to notify send "TEST "TEST" so I think that settles that half of the question :-) Oct 2, 2018 at 11:54
  • @EnricoTuveraJr Thanks for sharing - I'm new to lubuntu and i3 (coming from dwm) I wasn't sure the notifications were part of i3 or separate. It was killing me as I'm using Ctrl-` (aka ctrl-grave in dunst config) as a meta in tmux and apparently Dunst has precedence, so whenever there is a notification in the dunst history, my tmux stopped working. Now I know what it is - I fixed it in the configuration. Thanks!
    – Alex
    Dec 24, 2023 at 18:04


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