When I lock session, the external monitor stops displaying and it switches to laptop screen. Currently I have enabled display setup script so when I start OS it disables my laptop screen and switches to external monitor:






#xrandr's name for the external monitor connection

#bail out if monitor not found
xrandr --query | grep -q "^$MONITOR connected" || ./sbin/prime-offload & exit 0

#the original command that does the switching
xrandr --output "$MONITOR" --primary

OS: Xubuntu 18.04

How can I make that the external monitor wouldn't turn off when I lock session?

  • Do you want the external monitor to never turn off? Do you want it to become primary again when session unlocked? Or are you asking for something else? Sep 6, 2018 at 21:51
  • I don't want the external monitor to turn off when I lock session.
    – skudopou
    Sep 7, 2018 at 13:12


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