Recently, my GNOME desktop has begun to stutter after running for a while (on the order of a day or so of uptime). These stutters are very brief--I really only notice them during video playback or when in a smooth-scrolling app--and seem to occur whenever the system time ticks one second.

  • I'm running GNOME 3.28.2 with no plugins.
  • I'm using the nvidia 390 driver on a GTX 960.
    • Force Full Composition Pipeline had no effect.
  • My audio and, curiously, the mouse pointer seem unaffected.

I really have no idea how to even diagnose this. Any ideas? What other info can I provide?

1 Answer 1


To add to OP:
I have the same issue. Audio, mouse, and full-screen games run smoothly. This makes me think it must be an issue with gnome.

Video showing the issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JQXGBygBbQ

Narrowing down the issue:
- Forcing to my Intel GPU doesn't resolve the issue
- Downgrading to gnome-shell==3.28.1 doesn't fix anything
- I'm running nvidia driver v390.77. Downgrading to v390.48 doesn't make a difference either
- I couldn't test using nouveau drivers

EDIT: my problem was the system monitor extension. If anyone else ends up here like me: https://github.com/elvetemedve/gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor/issues/3

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    Dec 15, 2018 at 9:39
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    Dec 18, 2018 at 21:43
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    Dec 19, 2018 at 5:54

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