I followed the answer here: How do I kill redshift?. I ran this command

redshift -o 6500

I receive the following error message:

Trying location provider `geoclue2'...
Using provider `geoclue2'.
Unable to start GeoClue client:
GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied: Geolocation 
disabled for UID 1000. Unable to connect to GeoClue. 
Unable to get location from provider.

How to set it so it has access to my geolocation and sets the brightness?

  • 1
    That command you are typing in should be redshift -O 6500. You can try to set it manually: askubuntu.com/a/951469/231142 I have included the link to find your lat and long that you can put in your ~/.config/redshift.conf file.
    – Terrance
    Aug 1, 2018 at 13:42

2 Answers 2


The quick workaround is use capital -O (One shot manual mode) instead of small one -o (One shot mode) i.e:

redshift -O 6500

GeoClue is the Geolocation service which needs the location service enabled. So make sure that Location service is enabled from Settings > Privacy:

enter image description here

I was getting the same error, after creating configuration file (~/.config/redshift.conf) as explained at official site and now redshift and redshift-gtk is working fine:

; Global settings for redshift
; Set the day and night screen temperatures

; Enable/Disable a smooth transition between day and night
; 0 will cause a direct change from day to night screen temperature.
; 1 will gradually increase or decrease the screen temperature.

; Set the screen brightness. Default is 1.0.
; It is also possible to use different settings for day and night
; since version 1.8.
; Set the screen gamma (for all colors, or each color channel
; individually)
; This can also be set individually for day and night since
; version 1.10.

; Set the location-provider: 'geoclue', 'geoclue2', 'manual'
; type 'redshift -l list' to see possible values.
; The location provider settings are in a different section.

; Set the adjustment-method: 'randr', 'vidmode'
; type 'redshift -m list' to see all possible values.
; 'randr' is the preferred method, 'vidmode' is an older API.
; but works in some cases when 'randr' does not.
; The adjustment method settings are in a different section.

; Configuration of the location-provider:
; type 'redshift -l PROVIDER:help' to see the settings.
; ex: 'redshift -l manual:help'
; Keep in mind that longitudes west of Greenwich (e.g. the Americas)
; are negative numbers.

; Configuration of the adjustment-method
; type 'redshift -m METHOD:help' to see the settings.
; ex: 'redshift -m randr:help'
; In this example, randr is configured to adjust screen 1.
; Note that the numbering starts from 0, so this is actually the
; second screen. If this option is not specified, Redshift will try
; to adjust _all_ screens.

You can fed latitude and longitude of your location manually @ 45th (lat=) and 46th (lon=) line for above mentioned configuration file. Note that I needed to change screen=1 to screen=0 in the last line.

"redshift - slove geoclue2 redshift not working error" 
#redshift/software/extension geoclue2 not working/stopping error
 Trying location provider geoclue2'... Using provider geoclue2'.
 Unable to connect to GeoClue.
 Unable to get location from provider.
  Unable to start GeoClue client:
  GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied: Geolocation 
  disabled for UID 1000. Unable to connect to GeoClue. 
  Unable to get location from provider.

#solution1) turn on the location:
 Gnome Settings > Privacy > location
 #unfortunatly most Desktop environment settings doesn't have location ON/OFF feature, but dont worry, we can install gnome settings manually:
   sudo apt install gnome-control-center
   #then enable location services
    gnome control center > privacy > location services

#solution2) install geoclue2
 #on fedora:
  sudo dnf install geoclue2 geoclue2-libs geoclue2-devel geoclue2-demos
 #on debian:
  sudo apt install geoclue-2.0

#solution3) run redshift with sudo
 sudo redshift

#solution4) add these lines to  /etc/geoclue/geoclue.conf:

 #then run:
  sudo service geoclue restart

#solution5) create a configuaration file(THIS SOLUTION WORKED FOR ME)
 #YOU NEED TO SET latitude(45th line) and longitude(46th line) manually
  #visit this site the file your lat & lon: https://www.latlong.net/
 #goto ~/.config directory & created a file "redshift.conf" and put below lines in the redshift configuration file(~/.config/redshift.conf)
; Global settings for redshift
; Set the day and night screen temperatures

; Enable/Disable a smooth transition between day and night
; 0 will cause a direct change from day to night screen temperature.
; 1 will gradually increase or decrease the screen temperature.

; Set the screen brightness. Default is 1.0.
; It is also possible to use different settings for day and night
; since version 1.8.
; Set the screen gamma (for all colors, or each color channel
; individually)
; This can also be set individually for day and night since
; version 1.10.

; Set the location-provider: 'geoclue', 'geoclue2', 'manual'
; type 'redshift -l list' to see possible values.
; The location provider settings are in a different section.

; Set the adjustment-method: 'randr', 'vidmode'
; type 'redshift -m list' to see all possible values.
; 'randr' is the preferred method, 'vidmode' is an older API.
; but works in some cases when 'randr' does not.
; The adjustment method settings are in a different section.

; Configuration of the location-provider:
; type 'redshift -l PROVIDER:help' to see the settings.
; ex: 'redshift -l manual:help'
; Keep in mind that longitudes west of Greenwich (e.g. the Americas)
; are negative numbers.

; Configuration of the adjustment-method
; type 'redshift -m METHOD:help' to see the settings.
; ex: 'redshift -m randr:help'
; In this example, randr is configured to adjust screen 1.
; Note that the numbering starts from 0, so this is actually the
; second screen. If this option is not specified, Redshift will try
; to adjust _all_ screens.

#solution6) run redshift in background(if above solutions didn't work? you can try this):
 #remove redshift-gtk extension from panel and stop autostarting redshift in startup programs
 #then add this startup command to run redshift in background after login
   redshift -l 7:81 -t 5700:3600 -g 0.8 -m randr -v
   #you can change 0.8 to adust brightness(0.1 - 1)



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