On Ubuntu 16.04, I was connecting to a remote machine with Cisco VPN and SSH protocol without erros with the following commands.

sudo vpnc-connect /etc/vpnc/vpn.conf

with the following output:

VPNC started in background (pid: ...)

and then:

ssh -p 22 -X user@ip

After a clean isntallation of Ubuntu 18.04, while vpnc-connect command runs without errors when I'm trying to connect via SSH, it get stuck and finally raises "Connection closed by server_ip port 22" error..

My vpn.conf:

IPSec gateway <server ip>
IPSec secret ID_KEY
Xauth username <USER>
Xauth password <PWD>

I tried the solution from here: 18.04 VPN & UFW firewall issue

but nothing changed.

Any ideas ?


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