No lock button is present in the drop down of the status bar in Ubuntu 18.04.

When I go to Settings> Privacy> Screen Lock, I can click Screen Lock to open the Screen Lock window. In the Screen Lock window "Automatic Screen Lock" is dimmed.


2 Answers 2


Resetting the desktop theme restored the lock button.

dconf reset -f /

OMG Ubuntu: The Secret Command to Reset Ubuntu Desktop to Default Settings

  • That's not resetting only the "desktop theme", that wipes out the entire bunch of your preferences for the entire desktop and throughout a lot of apps. You will need to redo then all those configuration / preferences / app settings dance in all of them.
    – Levente
    Apr 21, 2021 at 18:41

$ dconf reset -f / or $ sudo service lightdm restart

For more key words related dconf command run : $ man dconf

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