I want to have thunerbird minimized when I turn on the laptops.

when I do this: vi /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart and added @thunderbird every time I turned it on a popup apear say that thunderbird is already running... but it works just fine.

  • How do I clear that popup?
  • how do I run it minimezed?

2 Answers 2


If you add your startup application into /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart it will be run automatically twice - its just the way LXDE does stuff.

You can create an equivalent file and folder in your local home folder - this will autostart programs once.

mkdir -p ~/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu
nano autostart

add the text thunderbird into this file and save the file.

As to how to minimize the application on startup - this was recently discussed on ubuntuforums

In summary - install wmctrl

Create a script file called ~/start_thunderbird_hidden.sh

Copy and paste the following contents:


thunderbird &
while [[ $(wmctrl -l | grep Thunderbird) == "" ]]; do sleep 0.1; done
wmctrl -r Thunderbird -b add,hidden
wmctrl -k on

Give this file execute rights:

chmod +x ~/start_thunderbird_hidden.sh

Then, instead of thunderbird in the autostart file above, use /home/[youraccount]/start_thunderbird_hidder.sh


Here is the procedure to autostart Thunderbird on Ubuntu 12.04 startup, put it in the tray as well as hide its icon from the launcher.

  1. Open Thunerbird, Tools > addons > "get addons" tab > search for "mintrayr" and install "MinimizetoTray Revived" > restart TB
  2. Tools > addons > "extension" tab > hit "preference" button of the newly installed MinTrayR extension > tick the 3rd choice "Instead of closing"
  3. in a terminal sudo apt-get install wmctrl if not already installed
  4. Create the file /home/YourUsername/.start_thunderbird.sh
  5. Give it executable rights : Open a terminal and chmod +x ~/start_thunderbird.sh
  6. Open the file and copy/past the following in it :

    thunderbird &
    while [[ $(wmctrl -l | grep Thunderbird) == "" ]]; do sleep 0.1; done
    wmctrl -c "Mozilla Thunderbird"

    it says to start Thunderbird, and to close it as soon as it's started...and the TB addon will take care to hide TB in the tray instead of closing it !

  7. Right-top of your screen, Clic on start button > startup applications > add

  8. Name it as you like, then browse for the file (or directly write in the box the path to your script : /home/YourUsername/.start_thunderbird.sh)

You're done ! Now you when you start Ubuntu, Thunderbird autostart and hide in the tray...

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