I have installed skype on my 11.10 and it keeps shutting down as soon as the other person switches of its video.

While I have read that I need to delete the shared.xml file I cant seem to locate the directory. I have even searched for the file manually.

I installed skype using the software center so I am a little confused as to why I cant find it. every time I go to the home folder it has no skype folder where this exists.

I even tried removing it from the terminal using rm command as mentioned in the protected thread but it only says that no such directory exists.

UPDATE: Ok so I found shared.xml and to my surprise it was still in the same place as mentioned by others, /.skype/shared.xml

So i used rm ~/.skype/shared.xml

It just went to the next command line entry

It didn't exactly return a value but skype would function even if the other person switched off their video. But when they try sharing their screen Skype still switches off.

Can someone please help me to sort this issue?

  • doesn't anybody have the answer to this problem?
    – Kohin
    Feb 8, 2012 at 18:58
  • Some help please?
    – Kohin
    Feb 10, 2012 at 7:25
  • Can someone PLEASE help me out with this. I am tired of having my skype switch off every time the other person
    – Kohin
    Feb 13, 2012 at 20:00

1 Answer 1


The find command should do the trick:

find ~/ -iname "Shared.xml"

If you can't find it there, you can try searching from the root of the filesystem, but this will take longer:

find / -iname "Shared.xml"

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