I have a problem with my WiFi connection, When I am trying to connect to my own WiFi at home everything is fine. if i am connecting to another network and trying to surf (Chrome) I have a note of Resolving host.. and an error of DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET and there is no ping to by example.

When I tried route -n I have got: I read a recommend to uninstall avahi-autoipd and now I don't see the zeroconf.

I tried to add name servers to resolv.conf ( &, reconfiguration resolvconf: dpkg-reconfigure resolvconf, uncomment dns=masq etc..

I upgrade my ubuntu from 16.04 to 17.04, But the problem of DNS still as is.

Please try to help me.

Thanks a lot!

1 Answer 1


Step 1: Checking Default route Use one of these commands:

route -n


ip r

Ask a new IP address and amend the connection with the next command:

dhclient -v wlan0

Now, all should work fine!

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