I want to create an alias, that can be defined on any command and concats | lolcat to it. So far I googled myself to

alias MyCommandName='f(){"$@" | lolcat; unset -f f};f'

but when I test it with dmesg I get no result.

# set dmesg
alias dmesg='f(){"$@" | lolcat; unset -f f};f'
#desired command: dmesg | lolcat

In my understanding the alias defines a function f, that is called afterwards. To prevent recursion, the last statement is to unset the function.

EDIT: I stopped at:

    alias MyCommandName='f(){eval "$@ | lolcat"; unset -f f};f' 
    alias MyCommandName='f(){eval "$0 $@ | lolcat"; unset -f f};f'

which does not the trick, because i can't pass the $0 argument into my function. The $0 is always f inside of the function. a generic aliaslias like is NOT possible. :(

NOT A DUPLICATE of this, because I am using ZSH and argument passing is possible according to like 10 other answers like this and this :).

  • 1
    Aliases don't support arguments. The $@ there is from the shell's arguments, not the aliases. Just use plain functions instead: f () { "$@" | lolcat; } then f dmesg.
    – muru
    Mar 15, 2018 at 11:54
  • Those are aliases that define and call functions. And they use proper quoting (single quotes, so that $@ is not evaluated when you define the alias). Please read those posts again and apply them properly.
    – muru
    Mar 15, 2018 at 12:24
  • I am sorry, I thought I did, what the posts say, since I am pretty new to zsh programming, I can't 100% confirm that I did everything right xDD I hope I explained my thoughts now and you can show my errors imn my thoughts :)
    – KuSpa
    Mar 15, 2018 at 12:33
  • @KuSpa the links you added explain that it is not possible to do this with aliases in sh-like shells (including zsh, the exception seems to be csh but don't use that) and you need to use functions instead. Why would you want to make your life complicated and try to force the function in your question into an alias instead of just using it as a function?
    – terdon
    Mar 15, 2018 at 12:40
  • I want to recreate this solution 1 with dmesg i just wanna do it for fun and to set a users terminal outputs in color :), since they don't need to know, before they are surprised, i don't like the f dmesg idea, because it spoilers, that there is something special. ;)
    – KuSpa
    Mar 15, 2018 at 12:47

1 Answer 1


If I understand right, you want to do something that takes a command name, say dmesg, and make it into something pipes its output to lolcat.

This is still best done using functions:

dmesg () { command "$0" "$@" | lolcat; }

That's as "generic" as it comes. The command command skips functions and calls builtins or executables: What is use of command: `command`?. $0, as you realised, is the name of the function, in this being the name of the command as well. So command "$0" runs the command with the same name as the function.

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