I recently updated from 16.04 to 17.10, and noticed that now on the lightdm login screen I have multiple duplicate entries, some of which differ only by the icon:

enter image description here

What is causing this? And what is the difference between the different duplicate entries?

In particular, I noticed that I can successfully login using the GNOME on Xorg option that is highlighted in the photo above, but if I try to login with the other one I cannot get past the login process (each time I login I get a black screen and then I am sent back to the login page).

2 Answers 2


Same here, after install enlightenment I got it duplicate in lightdm. The installation put .desktop files in




Since I do not use Wayland, I just move the .desktop files to .backup

cd /usr/share/wayland-sessions/
for f in *.desktop; do  mv -- "$f" "${f%.desktop}.backup"; done

That's my case. If you are using Wayland rename the .desktop files in xsessions.

Check what type of session you are using, after a successful login type:


to get the session ID.

To get the Type (x11 or wayland):

loginctl show-session "SESSION-ID" -p Type


$ loginctl show-session c2 -p Type
  • 1
    Thank you! long time away from console. ;) Here it works beacause there is only one file (enlightenment.desktop) and his name is now *.backup hehe Just edit the answer using a "for" for the job.
    – user813136
    Mar 30, 2018 at 21:48

I've had the same issue after upgrading from 17.04 to 17.10. Duplicate Gnome on Xorg, Duplicate Ubuntu on Xorg. No duplicate of Xubuntu, though.

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