Questions tagged [prompt]

The prompt is a series of characters used by any terminal interface to indicate that the terminal is ready to receive another command. Questions using this tag should be restricted to questions about the prompt, how to customize it, etc.

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logind.conf file changing on apt update

A few months back I cloned a github repo for styling my command prompt. After following all the procedures, I didn't find the style as appalling as it seemed to me so I deleted everything. Few days ...
Bhaumik Tripathi's user avatar
2 votes
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Symbol gets cut off in custom bash prompt

I am using a custom bash prompt with this command that was an answer to this question: It looks like this: PS1=$'\e[1;33m\\t \e[36m\u\e[34m@\e[36m\h\e[;1m: \e[34m\w\n \[\b\e[;1;31m✘\] ${?/#0/\[\b\b\e[...
reneas's user avatar
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8 votes
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How can I properly make a bash prompt with error colors and emoji?

After solving the first issue with my custom prompt I still have another one left. When I cycle through my last used commands via the arrow-up and arrow-down keys I will sometimes have some characters ...
reneas's user avatar
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changing bash output format results in strange behaviour

I already changed my bash output format to something like this: which I am very happy with. I achieved this by adding this code to the .bashrc: set_PS1() { local RESET=$(tput sgr0 ) local ...
reneas's user avatar
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How can I differentiate my terminals

I am using multiple terminals for different task. But it's hard to remember which terminal I use for a specific task. I guess I could set the title, but how and is there something else I can do to ...
kbenoit's user avatar
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Powerline font shapes slanted only in prompt

I've got a fresh install of Ubuntu Budgie on a VMWare guest. I use Tilix for my terminal. I installed the powerline fonts on my system to have access to the various shapes it provides. Regardless of ...
Sir Robert's user avatar
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starship cannot access/edit starship.toml

Whenever I try to import a starship.toml file by typing starship preset tokyo-night -o ~/.config/starship.toml I get the following error: Error writing preset to file: Permission denied (os error 13) ...
maze's user avatar
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22.04 Jammy Chnaged methods for bypassing root password prompt for some commands (Dell build)

On my Ubuntu 18.02 systems, I was able to update the /etc/sudoers file to allow root without password for specific applications. For example these entries started the Muon package manager which ran ...
HiTechHiTouch's user avatar
0 votes
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System wide custom bash prompt

I would like to have a system-wide custom prompt Added . /path/to/ to my /etc/bash.bashrc but prompt remains unchanged I have some scripts in /etc/profile.d that tried to . /path/to/ ...
bilogic's user avatar
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The prompt on my Bash bug when I enter too long command line [duplicate]

I am using Bash and I installed Linux RasPi 5.15.0-1024-raspi #26-Ubuntu on my Raspberry Pi. When I type a too long command on my bash the cursor goes at the beginning of the line and replace my ...
Chookitypok's user avatar
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Bash: control a prompt program

I've searched all over Google and the StackExchange sites, but all of the answers may work for the programs they used, but not for this (timecalc). This program is similar of fsck, having a ">&...
Daniella Mesquita's user avatar
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Custom bash prompt bugs at end of line [duplicate]

I made a custom bash prompt, but after a few characters it deletes the whole line and enters my text on empty line. Here's my prompt code: PS1="\e[0;34m•\e[0m \u\e[0;34m~\e[0mcatshell \e[0;34m\w\...
p4x3_1337's user avatar
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Is there a way to include Behind / Ahead info in oh-my-zsh Prompt?

I know using the below command, we can get the results of commits that is Behind and Ahead. git rev-list --left-right --count origin/master...`git branch --show-current` But I would like to know, if ...
karthick87's user avatar
0 votes
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Change prompt using export PS1=

I want to change my terminal prompt. I ran this in a terminal. export PS1="\u@\h \w> " My .bashrc. # ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells. # see /usr/share/doc/bash/...
fixit7's user avatar
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Start TightVncServer and provide password in a single command line

I am trying to add and start TightVncServer to a docker image. When I want to start the service, sudo tightvncserver, I got prompted by a password. Since I am generating an image, this needs to be ...
Milan's user avatar
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Display Pretty hostname in Terminal prompt?

My current ubuntu prompt is set as something like athos@myT460pLaptopBoughtAt2016 ~$ echo $PS1 [\u@\h \W]\$ , where h means Static hostname, as seen, it's quite long. On the other side, I've set the ...
athos's user avatar
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No Password Prompt During Boot (Kubuntu 21.10)

I use Kubuntu 21.10, and have KDE 5.24.1, but this happened on older KDE versions, too. When I startup, I choose my installation from GRUB, and then I am presented with what should be the password ...
Avidan2006's user avatar
1 vote
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No login prompt on console Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS (running on qemu Synology)

With one of the last Ubuntu updates I can't login on console anymore, because I'm getting no login prompt. I'm running Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS on a Synology Virtual Machine and try to connect to the ...
Cloonix's user avatar
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Troubles with custom bash prompt

I am trying to set a custom bash prompt to also include history line count and time in 24h format, both in different colors, aside from a standard user@host prompt. I have seen this post Custom bash ...
Bostjan Murovec's user avatar
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applications get stuck launched with sudo

If I launch Thunar from the command line it works, but if I try to launch Thunar using sudo, only the icon on the status bar shows up but no window; the same problem happens with gparted, synaptic and ...
arpho's user avatar
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How can I disable password prompts in Ubuntu

My wifes computer running Windows 10 became unusable. Could not repair Windows and didn't want to re-install because she was afraid we would lose her pictures. I was able to retrieve her pictures by ...
Tom2087's user avatar
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Ubuntu 18.04 black screen

I am using Ubuntu 18.04. My laptop configuration is HP 250 G7 Core i3 Intel 7th gen 4 GB RAM 1 TB HDD Problem. I have Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on my laptop. When I start it up it gives a black screen with ...
Vivek Sharma's user avatar
2 votes
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How to shorten current working directory in bash prompt dynamicaly [duplicate]

So I'm looking for a way to shorten the path in the prompt if it reaches a defined length, such as: user1@localhost:~/Pictures/awesome_trip/ Would be fine, but if we cd into more sub-directories such ...
Telegonicaxx's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I ask password by GUI prompt while using commands using sudo in terminal?

I am using Ubuntu 20.04 focal. I have been wanting the GUI password prompt for executing command with sudo in terminal.Example consider following command to be runned by terminal : sudo nautilus So ...
RAHUL DHANOLA's user avatar
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I'm being haunted by an "Authentication dialog" and need help

Like the title says I'm being haunted. No matter what I fill into the damned prompt it says the information is wrong and asks if I want to try again. It just won't stop. Here is a picture of the ...
Emil Bergstedt's user avatar
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Following a recent upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04 installation terminal prompt is only displaying 4 characters

Have attempted fix using fonts in tweaks but that also only displays 4 characters for any font name and does not fix problem. Have tried installing alternative desktop and running several different ...
Martyn's user avatar
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Command not found with no command name

Since I installed powerline-go on my fresh install of Ubuntu 20.04, it throws -bash: : command not found error every time the prompt loads (after running a command, pressing enter, on startup, etc.). ...
Maneren's user avatar
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Customize wsl2 ubuntu terminal prompt

How do I change the ubuntu terminal prompt in of wsl2. My git-bash prompt looks like this : where /Algorithms is the base cwd. How do I make ubuntu prompt the same, with the same colors? TIA
wannabecoder's user avatar
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Is tilde '~' normal before dollar '$' sign in terminal prompt? [duplicate]

Is '~' normal before the $ sign, like, robert@robert:~$? I do not remember seeing it before.
bob's user avatar
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select and the PS3 variable

I have a small function that I keep in my profile to give me quick access to some config files: viconf () { COLUMNS=12; printf "Edit config file:\n\n"; select x in ~/.bashrc ~/....
YorSubs's user avatar
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Prompt string PS4 duplicating itself when using set -x

My OS: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS I use tracing for troubleshooting a script. I've notice different behaviors in the tracing depending on how I set it up. I would like to understand why it behaves this way. I ...
martin_0004's user avatar
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grub2 prompt: "grub>" is changed to ">"

So I am at login screen of GNU GRUB 2.02 launched from USB stick. Its prompt is "grub>". When I type "ls" I see all my disks: hd0, hd1, hd2; hd0 is my USB stick, hd2 is my main ...
Shiqq Yashkuri's user avatar
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how to create an alias which changes the bash prompt?

How can I make an alias along the lines of: command-line bash bashrc prompt ps1 alias=PS1="\d \h $ " which, obviously, won't work. Is there some trick to making assignments from the ....
Nicholas Saunders's user avatar
2 votes
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Terminal starts fast, but takes time to get ready

I'm on Kubuntu 20.04 and it's been a while since I've noticed that even though the konsole terminal starts fast after I enter the shortcut, it takes some seconds for the command prompt itself to ...
Alex Braga's user avatar
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Git_prompt branch no longer working after upgrade

I made a ps1 prompt a few years ago. Took a while to config it, now after upgrading it no longer works. The .bashprompt script (which gets loaded into my .bashrc along with git-sh-prompt) it will ...
alwayslearning's user avatar
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Green terminal prompt vanished from Ubuntu 20.04

It's a bit silly but as you can see, the initial words (prompt) displayed in the terminal look very simple (as you know, it has like a green color), something I didn't see at first since I executed ...
Camilo Ped's user avatar
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Prompt a user for filename and path, test if file exists, if it doesn't exist create a blank file with that name

So far I have this #!/bin/bash printf -x "What file are you looking for?: " read x if [ -x x.txt ] then echo "ok" else echo "nok" fi But I have no idea where to go next, I need to have the ...
FranksRed's user avatar
7 votes
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Adding a tab and newline to my terminal prompt

My terminal prompt is way too long. If I enter a long command, it gets wrapped to the next line which is hard to read. I thought I'd take a page from ParrotOS and just have the commands entered on ...
Carcigenicate's user avatar
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Can I style the Alt+F2 prompt?

I'm using Ubuntu 19.10. My main issue with it is that the Alt+F2 prompt darkens the entire screen underneath it while open and I find the resulting blink overstimulating. I looked on Google to no ...
lpf's user avatar
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Meaning of $ and # symbols for normal and root user in terminal [duplicate]

What do the symbols mean # and $. Why # for root? Where do these conventions come from?
Benzle's user avatar
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Xfce4-terminal, midnight commander, show prompt in title

Issue. In xfce4-terminal, how can I display actual prompt from terminal in title when midnight commander is running? Funny is, that when I connect for example via ssh to old Centos (Linux ocms7-app 2....
genderbee's user avatar
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Repeated unnecessary password prompts

My Ubuntu 18.04 desktop keeps throwing up keyring password prompts that are clearly unnecessary, since I can just cancel them and continue working without trouble. This happens immediately after I ...
wurlyfan's user avatar
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Automatically answering an interactive prompt with "yes"

Some daemons ask if they shall be restarted, when they've got an update. I get asked whether I want to restart them or not. It opens a purple colored window, where I am supposed to navigate to yesor ...
drumcoh's user avatar
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How do I hide the hostname in my terminal

I'm using zsh with powerlevel9k theme and I would like to know how to remove hostname from my terminal. This is how my terminal looks right now: I would like to change it to only show kathi instead ...
vamshi krishna's user avatar
13 votes
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How can I fix the dull colors I am getting in Ubuntu 19.04 Terminal?

I've just recently switched to Ubuntu 19.04 and I am now getting dull colors in terminal but only outside of programs: In comparison you can see the vivid colors I am used to when I use ranger: I ...
user3711004's user avatar
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How can I prompt for device password before applying updates?

I have an encrypted boot partition on an USB drive. How can I prompt the user to insert the USB drive, and decrypt it before applying system updates? I can write the script to decrypt and mount the ...
Radu Marinescu's user avatar
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Does Bash for Windows create an own desktop?

I downloaded Bash (Ubuntu 18.04) for Windows 10 yesterday and created my account, downloaded a couple of files there. i closed the prompt, now when i open it, it starts from System32 folder i got back ...
Display Name's user avatar
18 votes
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How can I use the arrow sign in my bash prompt?

How can I use these red and green arrow signs in the bash prompt? update 1 This is my .bashrc file if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\...
Afshin's user avatar
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Is there a way to change passphrase prompt for ssh?

I wanted to change the prompt for ssh login, Enter passphrase for key 'path/to/key': to something else. Is that possible? Sorry I'm not really sure on the right verbiage, but I don't mean the PS1 ...
shsn53's user avatar
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How do I get prompt colours and auto-complete on 18.04 for a new user created with useradd?

I use Tilix, which is imo one of the best VTE based terminal emulators for Linux. If I create an Ubuntu 16.04 image on DigitalOcean, connect to it via SSH and then configure a new user (as below), ...
sunwarr10r's user avatar
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