I have installed JDK8 from Oracle and IntelliJ using this tutorial; Good Intellij installation on ubuntu 15

I am on step #4 where I am supposed to "Start IntelliJ to configure and create a desktop entry". How do I start it?

  • Inside the directory containing IntelliJ, there will be a bin folder in which you will find a .sh script you can run to start it. Aug 21, 2017 at 12:34

4 Answers 4


go to the directory through the terminal where the installation files were extracted and

cd bin

Add the bin folder to your path variable. Your path variable can be edited with sudo vi /etc/environment.
As with all sudo commands, care should be taken. Think before you write and don't just copy what i wrote.

in /etc/environment, you should see PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:[more path locations]"
in /etc/environment, Add the following line after the lasth path, before the double quote that ends the variable:
In the case of the linked guide you would have to add: :/opt/idea-IC/bin.

Then you have to log out (or reboot) for the changes you made to take effect. Afterwards you should be able to start intelliJ by running the command idea.sh

  • Could you please explain why it's necessary to add IntelliJ to the PATH environment variable? What's the adavantage or difference compared to a direct invocation? Nov 11, 2017 at 17:56
  • The advantage to adding it to the path variable is that you can call it from anywhere without having to enter the full path every time. - Unless i'm mistaken? Nov 12, 2017 at 0:59
  • That's correct, but considering that OP's aim is to to follow the tutorial which suggests to start the application once which will then set up an application starter, I don't find your approach useful enough to justify the additional complexity. Hence the down-vote. Nov 12, 2017 at 10:37
  • This comment helped me, as the application starter auto setup didn't work. Dec 12, 2018 at 3:07

Go to the in the idea-ic extracted folder idea/bin(using cd command like cd /idea/bin) and then run the command:

To run in the background: ./idea.sh & (with the if you close the terminal then IntelliJ still run )

To run without background: ./idea.sh (with the if you close the terminal then IntelliJ also exit )


for your question, I will tell you how to install IntelliJ step by step which I followed.

  1. first download

    https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/#section=linux this is for Linux version

  2. Then Extract .gz file

sudo tar -xzf {package name}.tar.gz -C /opt

make sure to add your package name

x: This tells tar to extract the files.

v: This option will list all of the files one by one in the archive. The “v” stands for “verbose.”

f: This option tells tar that you are going to give it a file name to work with.

  1. go to the bin folder in the install directory

cd ./{package name}/bin

  1. install by terminal


  1. then install it as normal software

There also other ways to install IntelliJ follow https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/installation-guide.html

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