my text file looks like this:

Liquid penetration 95% mass (m) = 0.000205348
Liquid penetration 95% mass (m) = 0.000265725
Liquid penetration 95% mass (m) = 0.000322823
Liquid penetration 95% mass (m) = 0.000376445
Liquid penetration 95% mass (m) = 0.000425341

now I want to delete Liquid penetration 95% mass (m) from my lines to obtain the values only. How should I do it?

  • 3
    simply grep -o '[^[:space:]]\+$' file Oct 24, 2017 at 5:01
  • @AvinashRaj: To the moment, this solution gets the 'putty medal' :)
    – pa4080
    Oct 24, 2017 at 10:06
  • 2
    @pa4080 At least for the input I tested (10M lines), Avinash Raj's general approach can be made an order of magnitude faster by using PCRE. (I could confirm that the engine, not the pattern, is responsible, as GNU grep accepts \S+$ with either -E or -P.) So this kind of solution isn't inherently slow. But I still can't get it anywhere close to αғsнιη's cut method, which won your benchmark too. Oct 24, 2017 at 21:27

8 Answers 8


If there's only one = sign, you could delete everything before and including = like this:

$ sed -r 's/.* = (.*)/\1/' file

If you want to change the original file, use the -i option after testing:

sed -ri 's/.* = (.*)/\1/' file


  • -r use ERE so we don't have to escape ( and )
  • s/old/new replace old with new
  • .* any number of any characters
  • (things) save things to backreference later with \1, \2, etc.
  • Thanks it worked. I used this command to overwrite the existing file: sed -i -r 's/.*= (.*)/\1/' time.txt May you explain how does it work?
    – O.E
    Oct 23, 2017 at 10:09
  • Why not avoid the backreference? s/^.*= // would work equally well, since the correct value is at the end of the line.
    – jpaugh
    Oct 24, 2017 at 17:58
  • @jpaugh Well partly because it's too late to change my answer which was the first one posted - others have already given the solution you mention and other more efficient ways for this case :) But maybe showing how to use \1 etc has some value for people who land on this question when searching, who don't have such a simple problem
    – Zanna
    Oct 24, 2017 at 18:05
  • @Zanna It is more general, at least.
    – jpaugh
    Oct 24, 2017 at 18:07

This is a job for awk; assuming the values occur in last field only (as per your example):

awk '{print $NF}' file.txt
  • NF is an awk variable, expands to the number of fields in a record (line), hence $NF (note the $ in front) contains the value of the last field.


% cat temp.txt 
Liquid penetration 95% mass (m) = 0.000205348
Liquid penetration 95% mass (m) = 0.000265725
Liquid penetration 95% mass (m) = 0.000322823
Liquid penetration 95% mass (m) = 0.000376445
Liquid penetration 95% mass (m) = 0.000425341

% awk '{print $NF}' temp.txt

I decided to compare the different solutions, listed here. For this purpose I've created a large file, based on the content provided by the OP:

  1. I created a simple file, named input.file:

    $ cat input.file
    Liquid penetration 95% mass (m) = 0.000205348
    Liquid penetration 95% mass (m) = 0.000265725
    Liquid penetration 95% mass (m) = 0.000322823
    Liquid penetration 95% mass (m) = 0.000376445
    Liquid penetration 95% mass (m) = 0.000425341
  2. Then I executed this loop:

    for i in {1..100}; do cat input.file | tee -a input.file; done
  3. Terminal window was blocked. I executed killall tee from another terminal. Then I examined the content of the file by the commands: less input.file and cat input.file. It looked good, except the last line. So I removed the last line and created a backup copy: cp input.file{,.copy} (because of the commands that use inplace option).

  4. The final count of the lines into the file input.file is 2 192 473. I got that number by the command wc:

    $ cat input.file | wc -l

Here is the result of the comparison:

  • grep -o '[^[:space:]]\+$'

    $ time grep -o '[^[:space:]]\+$' input.file > output.file
    real    0m58.539s
    user    0m58.416s
    sys     0m0.108s
  • sed -ri 's/.* = (.*)/\1/'

    $ time sed -ri 's/.* = (.*)/\1/' input.file
    real    0m26.936s
    user    0m22.836s
    sys     0m4.092s

    Alternatively if we redirect the output to a new file the command is more faster:

    $ time sed -r 's/.* = (.*)/\1/' input.file > output.file
    real    0m19.734s
    user    0m19.672s
    sys     0m0.056s
  • gawk '{gsub(".*= ", "");print}'

    $ time gawk '{gsub(".*= ", "");print}' input.file > output.file
    real    0m5.644s
    user    0m5.568s
    sys     0m0.072s
  • rev | cut -d' ' -f1 | rev

    $ time rev input.file | cut -d' ' -f1 | rev  > output.file
    real    0m3.703s
    user    0m2.108s
    sys     0m4.916s
  • grep -oP '.*= \K.*'

    $ time grep -oP '.*= \K.*' input.file > output.file
    real    0m3.328s
    user    0m3.252s
    sys     0m0.072s
  • sed 's/.*= //' (respectively the -i option makes the command few times slower)

    $ time sed 's/.*= //' input.file > output.file
    real    0m3.310s
    user    0m3.212s
    sys     0m0.092s
  • perl -pe 's/.*= //' (the -i option doesn't produce big difference in the productivity here)

    $ time perl -i.bak -pe 's/.*= //' input.file
    real    0m3.187s
    user    0m3.128s
    sys     0m0.056s
    $ time perl -pe 's/.*= //' input.file > output.file
    real    0m3.138s
    user    0m3.036s
    sys     0m0.100s
  • awk '{print $NF}'

    $ time awk '{print $NF}' input.file  > output.file
    real    0m1.251s
    user    0m1.164s
    sys     0m0.084s
  • cut -c 35-

    $ time cut -c 35- input.file  > output.file
    real    0m0.352s
    user    0m0.284s
    sys     0m0.064s
  • cut -d= -f2

    $ time cut -d= -f2 input.file  > output.file
    real    0m0.328s
    user    0m0.260s
    sys     0m0.064s

The source of the idea.

  • 2
    so my cut -d= -f2 solution wins. haha Oct 23, 2017 at 18:07
  • Can you give more information about how you created this file? Also, how does wc -l output three numbers? When no other options are passed, the -l option should suppress everything but the line count. Oct 24, 2017 at 16:14
  • @EliahKagan, done. I've updated the answer.
    – pa4080
    Oct 24, 2017 at 16:40
  • Ah, I see -- the spaces were digit group separators. (Had wc actually displayed those spaces? Are there locale settings for which it will do that?) Thanks for the update! Oct 24, 2017 at 16:43
  • @EliahKagan: Finally I read your questions about wc one more time. I do not know where my wits was early today, but I really couldn't understand them. So indeed the spaces were digit group separators, and wc doesn't add them :)
    – pa4080
    Oct 24, 2017 at 20:06

With grep and the -P for having PCRE (Interpret the pattern as a Perl-Compatible Regular Expression) and the -o to print matched pattern alone. The \K notify will ignore the matched part come before itself.

$ grep -oP '.*= \K.*' infile

Or you could use cut command instead.

cut -d= -f2 infile
  • 2
    In addition to running the fastest of all methods tested in pa4080's benchmark, the cut method in this answer was also the clear winner in a smaller benchmark I ran that tested fewer methods but used a larger input file. It was well over ten times faster than the fast variant of the method I personally like (and that my answer is mainly about). Oct 24, 2017 at 21:20

Since the line prefix always has the same length (34 characters) you can use cut:

cut -c 35- < input.txt > output.txt

Reverse the content of the file with rev, pipe the output into cut with space as delimiter and 1 as the target field, then reverse it again to get the original number:

$ rev your_file | cut -d' ' -f1 | rev

This is simple, short, and easy to write, understand, and check, and I personally like it:

grep -oE '\S+$' file

grep in Ubuntu, when invoked with -E or -P, takes the shorthand \s to mean a whitespace character (in practice usually a space or tab) and \S to mean anything that isn't one. Using the quantifier + and the end-of-line anchor $, the pattern \S+$ matches one or more non-blanks at the end of a line. You can use -P instead of -E; the meaning in this case is the same but a different regular expressions engine is used, so they may have different performance characteristics.

This is equivalent to Avinash Raj's commented solution (just with an easier, more compact syntax):

grep -o '[^[:space:]]\+$' file

These approaches won't work if there could be trailing whitespace after the number. They can be modified so they do, but I see no point in going into that here. Although it's sometimes instructive to generalize a solution to work under more cases, it's not practical to do so nearly as often as people tend to assume, because one usually has no way to know in which of many different incompatible ways the problem might ultimately need to be generalized.

Performance is sometimes an important consideration. This question doesn't stipulate that the input is very large, and it's likely that every method that has been posted here is fast enough. However, in case speed is desired, here's a small benchmark on a ten million line input file:

$ perl -e 'print((<>) x 2000000)' file > bigfile
$ du -sh bigfile
439M    bigfile
$ wc -l bigfile
10000000 bigfile
$ time grep -o '[^[:space:]]\+$' bigfile > bigfile.out
$ time grep -oE '\S+$' bigfile > bigfile.out
$ time grep -oP '\S+$' bigfile > bigfile.out
$ time cut -d= -f2 bigfile > bigfile.out
$ time grep -o '[^[:space:]]\+$' bigfile > bigfile.out
$ time grep -oE '\S+$' bigfile > bigfile.out
$ time grep -oP '\S+$' bigfile > bigfile.out
$ time cut -d= -f2 bigfile > bigfile.out

I ran it twice in case the order mattered (as it sometimes does for I/O-heavy tasks) and because I didn't have a machine available that wasn't doing other stuff in the background that could skew the results. From those results I conclude the following, at least provisionally and for input files of the size I used:

  • Wow! Passing -P (to use PCRE) rather than -G (the default when no dialect is specified) or -E made grep faster by over an order of magnitude. So for large files, it may be better to use this command than the one shown above:

    grep -oP '\S+$' file
  • WOW!! The cut method in αғsнιη's answer, cut -d= -f2 file, is over an order of magnitude quicker than even the faster version of my way! It was the winner in pa4080's benchmark as well, which covered more methods than this but with smaller input--and which is why I chose it, of all the other methods, to include in my test. If performance is important or files are huge, I think αғsнιη's cut method should be used.

    This also serves as a reminder that the simple cut and paste utilities shouldn't be forgotten, and should perhaps be preferred when applicable, even though there are more sophisticated tools like grep that are often offered as first-line solutions (and that I am personally more accustomed to using).


perl - substitute the pattern /.*= / with empty string //:

perl -pe 's/.*= //' input.file > output.file
perl -i.bak -pe 's/.*= //' input.file
  • From perl --help:

    -e program        one line of program (several -e's allowed, omit programfile)
    -p                assume loop like -n but print line also, like sed
    -i[extension]     edit <> files in place (makes backup if extension supplied)

sed - substitute the pattern with empty string:

sed 's/.*= //' input.file > output.file

or (but slower than the above):

sed -i.bak 's/.*= //' input.file
  • I mention this approach, because it is few times faster than those in Zanna's answer.

gawk - substitute the pattern ".*= " with empty string "":

gawk '{gsub(".*= ", "");print}' input.file > output.file
  • From man gawk:

    gsub(r, s [, t]) For each substring matching the regular expression r in the string t,
                     substitute the string s, and return the number of substitutions. 
                     If t is not supplied, use $0...

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