Can anyone help me install Project Libre on Ubuntu 16.04? I tried source forge, but I could not find the .deb to install.


3 Answers 3


You can download the deb files (for different versions) from SourceForge here.

Then use sudo dpkg -i <name-of-deb-file>.deb to install.

The latest .deb file is this one.


You can install ProjectLibre automatically with these commands (the URL address must be updated to the latest version). Just cut and paste the 3 commands into a terminal one at a time:


wget -q ${URL} -O /tmp/${URL##*/}
sudo dpkg -i /tmp/${URL##*/}

you can also just download a ZIP version (say projectlibre-1.7.0.zip) from https://sourceforge.net/projects/projectlibre/files/ProjectLibre/

then unzip it to any folder,

run "chmod +x projectlibre.sh" in that folder,

then you can run it via "./projectlibre.sh"

works on Ubuntu 17

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