I have a very strange problem on my Ubuntu 11.10 desktop with Gnome-shell 3.3.2. The default shortcut to open the terminal, CTRL+ALT+T does not work. If I try to change the shortcut to another shortcut (just testing) it also doesn't work. Can anyone help me?

  • 2
    If you go to System Settings -> Keyboard -> Shortcut is the shortcut there? Jan 4, 2012 at 12:42

4 Answers 4


It looks like that the default terminal app is not there (not listed)... make a custom shortcut for gnome-terminal and assign CTRL+ALT+T to key combination to it and see if it works. If it does I'm right and leave it just as it is. If not post a comment ;)

  • Oh it is there in the Dconf, using Gnome-Shell 3.3.92 on Ubuntu 12.04Beta1 (my Ubuntu 11.10 messed up so I figured I'd go to Precise). So I confirm the problem persists... Mar 27, 2012 at 0:42
  • Running Ubuntu 12.04 Beta2 with gnome-shell 3.4.0 I have the same issue. Delecting the default shortcut and linking a new onw to gnome-terminal helped me to fix this. Should be reported on Launchpad, though. Apr 12, 2012 at 0:53

@vanjadjurdjevic 's post works, even in Ubuntu 12.04 (beta) with gnome-shell. You have to disable the standard keyboard shortcut, as it will not work, but if you make a new keyboard shortcut and assign it to CTRL+ALT+T It'll work!

  • same for 12.04 final beta
    – givanse
    Apr 12, 2012 at 21:02

Instead of using Ctrl + Alt + T as the shortcut, you can redefine Alt + T as the shortcut in the Settings>Keyboard>Launchers settings. It seems that it's a bug and may also there is a conflit. This works for me at least.


Check your system keyboard shortcuts:

Go to : System Settings -> Keyboard -> Shortcut Tab

enter image description here

Then you can disable any shortcut you want :)

enter image description here

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