Every time I want to export a file, gimp opens /tmp folder but I want to change this to ~/Downloads or any other folder.

How can I do this permanently?


Gimp seems to remember export folder for already exported files.

But when I use xfce4-screenshooter app to import the screenshot and then try to save it - the folder is set to /tmp.

Is there any way to point it to different folder in this case ?

I am not using any specific Desktop Environment - just i3 with a bunch of additional apps.

  • /tmp would be a really odd choice - it is supposed to use one of the XDG_* folders. Do you have set up some of the XDG_* environment variables to /tmp? Jun 17, 2017 at 20:09
  • @MichaelSchumacher You are right, gimp uses those Env variables. I have updated my question tho - my issue occurs only when I import image from xfce4-screenshooter. Jun 26, 2017 at 15:10
  • A useful approach might be to tell xfce4-screenshooter where to store the screenshots and avoid or at least soften this issue - see askubuntu.com/questions/252738/… Jun 27, 2017 at 13:49

4 Answers 4


There does not appear to be a direct method to do this with Gimp but there is an acceptable work-around that may be enough for you. Use the following 3 steps:

1. Export the Image. First use the 'Export Image' as usual:

enter image description here

2. Set your preferred location. Next navigate to your preferred location and then use the '+' key at the bottom left of the screen to set this location permanently in the Gimp preferences. In my example here I am using ~/test:

enter image description here

3. Export your next image. Next time you Export an image you will see your desired location in an easily accessible, single click location:

enter image description here

Not perhaps a perfect solution but this will hopefully fulfil your needs...

  • I am already using this solution but was wondering if there is a way to set the folder in gimp settings / configuration file maybe ? Jun 17, 2017 at 10:44
  • I'd prefer it to default to "Recently Used" which already is part of the left bar, but clicking it each time is painful. In Gimp2.6 this worked as expected, but in Gimp2.10 it defaults to /home/$user/ which is useless.
    – Ocean
    Jun 10, 2022 at 14:00

It seems that Gimp has no config for it an uses an operational system setting.

Take a look at this reply for the same question:

Priority of default paths for Export: 1. Last Export path; 2. Path of import source; 3. Path of XCF source; 4. Last path of any save to XCF; 5. Last Export path of any document; 6. The default path (usually the OS 'Documents' path).

I tested the Documents path (for KDE: System Settings > Applications > Locations) and it worked. My Gimp was using that setting.

I also tested changing the working directory, according this reference (for KDE: KDE Menu Editor > Advanced tab > Work path), but not changed the default save/export dir.


I keep all versions of an image in the same folder. How can I make default save/export location the same as the folder containing the image I read before editing it? (Once I've saved the first image there, GIMP remembers that output folder.)


I was able to change the default export folder. What I did, thanks to one of the responses above, was do a SAVE AS to the folder I wanted as a default, saving as an XCF file (very important to use the xcf file format). Then the next time I did an EXPORT AS the default folder was now the folder where I had saved the XCF file. And it worked quickly. The other method of making a remembered folder in the left hand column works, but for me it took a while to load the folder EACH TIME, thus not very user friendly. But, once you do a SAVE AS to the folder (make sure you're saving a .XCF file), your default folder for EXPORT AS is now changed. Kind of a getting around your a.. to get to your elbow situation, but hey, it worked!!! Yea!

  • This only works until you restart Gimp. Export would have the same non-lasting impact.
    – JamesIsIn
    Jul 20, 2021 at 21:34

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