Recently, I upgraded from Ubuntu 12.04 to Xubuntu 14.04.

I have 2 partitions on my computer: One for Windows and one for Ubuntu. I keep all my music and junk on the Windows partition, so when I click on Clementine, I have to click on my windows partition for Clementine to find the song.

I remember I installed some program in 12.04 that automatically mounted partitions, but I can't find it again.

It turned the path to the partition from something like this /media/169821DE9821BD5D/ to something like this /media/sda1.

Anybody know what it is? I just spent the last half hour looking up ways to automount, but none of them was woking with xubuntu. Any help?

  • 1
    Have a look at askubuntu.com/questions/271516/…
    – muru
    Jul 25, 2014 at 22:26
  • basically that goes over everything you need to do from what I see, could you put that as a possible answer @muru ?
    – sbergeron
    Jul 25, 2014 at 22:50
  • @sbergeron should I put it as answer or mark this as a duplicate?
    – muru
    Jul 25, 2014 at 22:56
  • not really a duplicate question, even though the answer there is absolutely perfect for here, I say put up the link then quote the answer
    – sbergeron
    Jul 25, 2014 at 23:00

4 Answers 4


From Ubuntu 12.10 onwards, the steps in this answer applies for automounting partitions. The Disks utility (formerly palimpsest) (which is already installed on Ubuntu, but perhaps not on Xubuntu) should be enough. If it isn't installed, click here to install it, or use this command:

sudo apt-get install gnome-disk-utility

Open it, select your disk and partition, and click on the gear icon to get to mount options and enable automount. Screenshots are available in the linked answer.

  • Your link where you wrote "this answer" above doesn't seem to be the right link at all. Perhaps this is the link you meant to post in its place? askubuntu.com/questions/783061/automount-in-16-04 Aug 29, 2016 at 18:38
  • @GabrielStaples no, my comment on the question has the correct link. Thanks for noticing.
    – muru
    Aug 30, 2016 at 16:25

First you need to make the directory to mount to (e.g.) /mnt/2tb and then you can edit /etc/fstab to create the mount. Fstab will then automatically mount your drive/partition to the directory created at boot.


The best option is to use /etc/fstab file to create a mount even after reboots: The syntax to be followed in /etc/fstab is:

from              to          ext      defaults              0      0
/var/www/abc     /home/abc    ext      defaults              0      0

This mounts /var/www/abc to /home/abc.

details of using /etc/fstab file can be found here


All info above is good - but this is the EASIEST

  • Use the "Disks" application. If you don't have it, you can install it with sudo apt install gnome-disk-utility
  • click on the partition you need to auto mount,
  • click on the little cog wheel [Settings Icon] - for Additional partition options.
  • then Edit Mount Options as you need

1- Toggle 'Automatic mount option' 2- Check 'mount at startup' option 3- Change other settings if you need

Disks Application Image

Mount Options Window Image

[copied from this answer]

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