I have a file that looks like this

AAA_21               PF13304.1  x_00004
AAA_22               PF13401.1  x_00004
SMC_N                PF02463.14 x_00004
AAA_29               PF13555.1  x_00004
DUF258               PF03193.11 x_00005
AAA_15               PF13175.1  x_00005
AAA_21               PF13304.1  x_00005
AAA_22               PF13401.1  x_00005
SMC_N                PF02463.14 x_00005
AAA_15               PF13175.1  x_00006
AAA_21               PF13304.1  x_00006
AAA_22               PF13401.1  x_00007
SMC_N                PF02463.14 x_00007

Now, for each block of lines that have the same string in column 3 (e.g. x_00004), I want to grep only the lines containing specific strings if they are present together in the block.

So, I know that I can use grep -f <file containing string> <file to scan> But I cannot find a way for applying the first action. I guess awk will help me here, but I do not really know how.

I would like to have something like:

AAA_21               PF13304.1  x_00004
AAA_22               PF13401.1  x_00004
AAA_21               PF13304.1  x_00005
AAA_22               PF13401.1  x_00005

So basically greping the lines containing PF13304.1 or PF13401.1 only if they are sharing field 3.

I use PF13304.1 and PF13401.1 as example, because sometimes I look for the presence of 3 strings in the block. One problem is that the string I am looking for are not always consecutive in the file I want to scan.

All the strings I want to grep are reported in a txt file as well. I can organize them as I want to match the grep command.

Instead the line containing

AAA_21               PF13304.1  x_00006
AAA_22               PF13401.1  x_00007

Should not be included because the strings I want to grep do not share field 3, meaning they are not both present in the subgroups x_00006 or x_00007

So, from the logical point of view I want to

  1. open the file
  2. divide the lines in groups according with field 3, create group that have the same string in field 3
  3. in this subgroups grep the strings I am looking for only if they are all present in each block
  • so you don't want this lines AAA_22 PF13401.1 x_00006 and AAA_22 PF13304.1 x_00005, if they were exist in your file, right? Feb 16, 2015 at 12:22
  • yes I want to have them as well. basically, looking in subset of lines, defined by column 3. In this subset I want to grep the string I am interest in.
    – efrem
    Feb 16, 2015 at 12:41
  • Now I really don't understand your question. Sorry and I think this doesn't what you want grep '.*PF13\(304\|401\)\.1.*' file in fact, ehm? Feb 16, 2015 at 12:44
  • Can you show an instance where PF13304.1 will not appear in the output?
    – muru
    Feb 16, 2015 at 12:46
  • 1
    But as I commented in previously and your reply you wants them as well while in body of question you said I don't want that lines? and now it's more unclear at least for me. Feb 16, 2015 at 12:55

5 Answers 5


Can be done in Python fairly easily:

$ cat input.txt | ./find_strings.py PF13304.1 PF13401.1                                                                  
AAA_21               PF13304.1  x_00004
AAA_22               PF13401.1  x_00004
AAA_21               PF13304.1  x_00005
AAA_22               PF13401.1  x_00005
AAA_21               PF13304.1  x_00006
AAA_22               PF13401.1  x_00007

Contents of find_strings.py:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
for line in sys.stdin:
    for string in strings:
         if string in line:
             print line.strip()

The way this words is that we redirect contents of input file to script's stdin stream, read the stream line by line, and for each line we make a lookup in the list of arguments that we provide on command-line. Fairly simple approach


Certainly not as simple as grep. This program:

  • scans the text file, accumulating "blocks" where the 3rd field are the same string
  • when it has found a block, invoke grep and collect the output
  • if the number of lines in the output is the same as the number of search terms, output grep's output
awk '
  function grep(block,    m, grep_out, cmd, line, i) {
    m = 0
    delete grep_out

    cmd = "grep -f " ARGV[1]    # define the grep command
    print block |& cmd          # invoke grep, and send the block of text as stdin
    close(cmd, "to")            # close greps stdin so we can start reading the output

    # read from grep until no more output
    while ((cmd |& getline line) > 0)
      grep_out[m++] = line

    # did grep find all search terms?  If yes, print the output 
    if (length(grep_out) == nterms)
      for (i=0; i<m; i++) 
        print grep_out[i]

  # read the search terms file, just to count the number of lines
  NR == FNR {

  # if we detect a new block, call grep and start a new block
  section != $3 {
    if (block) grep(block)
    block = ""
    section = $3

  {block = block $0 RS}   # accumulate the lines in this block

  END {if (block) grep(block)}       # also call grep at end of file

' fileContainingStrings fileToScan 

produces this output:

AAA_21               PF13304.1  x_00004
AAA_22               PF13401.1  x_00004
AAA_21               PF13304.1  x_00005
AAA_22               PF13401.1  x_00005

So if I understand you correctly, you want to find all subgroups that contain ALL patterns you specify. This can be done with sort and awk, e.g.:

# make sure subgroups are adjacent 
sort -k3,3 infile |

# add a newline between subroups, this allows the next 
# invocation of awk to read each subgroup as a record
awk 'NR > 1 && p!=$3 { printf "\n" } { p=$3 } 1' |   

# match the desired patterns and print the subgroup name
awk '/\<PF13304\.1\>/ && /\<PF13401\.1\>/ { print $3 }' RS=



Based on the above output you can now extract the relevant lines from infile, e.g. add the following to the above pipe:

while read sgrp; do
  grep -E "\b(PF13304\.1|PF13401\.1)\b +$sgrp\$" infile


AAA_21               PF13304.1  x_00004
AAA_22               PF13401.1  x_00004
AAA_21               PF13304.1  x_00005
AAA_22               PF13401.1  x_00005

The following awk script matches literal strings listed one per line in match_file, against data_file

awk 'function endgroup() {
         gmc=0                              # group match count
         for( gi=1; gi<=gz; gi++ ) {        # step through all lines in a group
             split(group[gi],g)             # split one group line 
             for( lix in lms )              # for each literal match string index 
                 if( lix == g[2] )          # does literal match string = group record $2  
                     mrec[++gmc]=group[gi]  # group matched record array, and inc match count
         if( gmc==lmz ) for( mri=1; mri<=lmz; mri++ ) print mrec[mri]
         delete group; gz=0

     BEGIN{ p3=FS } # an impossible previous value of $3 of "data_file"

     # process "match_file"
     NR==FNR { lms[$0]   # build array with literal match strings as indices
               lmz++     # literal match strings array size 
               next } 
     # process "data_file"
     p3!=$3 && p3!=FS { endgroup() }
     { group[++gz]=$0; p3=$3 }

     END{ if( p3!=FS ) endgroup() }
' match_file data_file


AAA_21               PF13304.1  x_00004
AAA_22               PF13401.1  x_00004
AAA_21               PF13304.1  x_00005
AAA_22               PF13401.1  x_00005

Something like this?

awk '(/x_00004/ || /x_00005/) && (/PF13401.1/ || /PF13304.1/)' your_file

or this, principally the same but with a more readable grouping

awk '(/x_00004/ && (/PF13401.1/ || /PF13304.1/)) || (/x_00005/ && (/PF13401.1/ || /PF13304.1/))' your_file


The input file

cat foo

AAA_21               PF13304.1  x_00004
AAA_22               PF13401.1  x_00004
SMC_N                PF02463.14 x_00004
AAA_29               PF13555.1  x_00004
DUF258               PF03193.11 x_00005
AAA_15               PF13175.1  x_00005
AAA_21               PF13304.1  x_00005
AAA_22               PF13401.1  x_00005
SMC_N                PF02463.14 x_00005
AAA_15               PF13175.1  x_00006
AAA_21               PF13304.1  x_00006
AAA_22               PF13401.1  x_00007
SMC_N                PF02463.14 x_00007

The command

awk '(/x_00004/ || /x_00005/) && (/PF13401.1/ || /PF13304.1/)' foo

AAA_21               PF13304.1  x_00004
AAA_22               PF13401.1  x_00004
AAA_21               PF13304.1  x_00005
AAA_22               PF13401.1  x_00005

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