I installed Skype using Ubuntu Software Center. When I logged in to Skype, it was automatically closed. I tried to remove and reinstall it but the problem is still there. How to fix it?


Log output after login.

hieund@hieund:/etc$ skype
Fatal: ASSERT: "interface->childCount() == children.count()" in file adaptor.cpp, line 200
  • Try to start it via terminal, when it is closed you can see some error output. Nov 27, 2011 at 8:40
  • where is it located? what command to start please? Nov 27, 2011 at 8:42
  • 2
    Open a terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and just give the command: skype Upate your question with your output. And please give more info beside that output. ie, your Ubuntu version, your OS architecture (32bit or 64bit), your Skype version, etc. Nov 27, 2011 at 8:51
  • Shot in the dark, but.. any use? askubuntu.com/questions/45278/skype-2-2-0-25-keeps-going-off
    – Caesium
    Nov 27, 2011 at 10:11
  • 1
    Ok. Worth posting info like that in the original question, always useful to know what you've tried so we don't post useless info :)
    – Caesium
    Nov 27, 2011 at 10:30

4 Answers 4


Your error message leads me to this Ubuntu bug via Google..


I'm surprised it hasn't gotten more attention if it is affecting Skype.. it may help if you chime in with your experience :)


Try this one.


I googled this for a solution and by just typing,


fixes the problem.

Hope this helps to anyone setting up skype in Ubuntu 11.10.

Works fine for me


Skype 4.3 no longer supported on 32 bit, so microsoft kills it when you log in.(Silly). Solution: make skype a "higher" version: sudo sed -i 's/' /usr/bin/skype It replaces the version number in the binary for a higher one to work around the forced incompatibility. Make sure that you have the same version by calling skype --version or update the command accordingly. Thanks to YuriyKuzin.

  • oh that is too funny... only needed this on my 32-bit system. my 64-bit system seems to work fine without it.
    – Jayen
    Dec 12, 2017 at 23:11

Well, actually, the only thing that worked for me on Ubuntu 10.04 after trying to apply the advice of I don't know how many people, was to go to sound device configuration right after starting Skype and make a test call before any connected contact appeared on the screen (you have to be fast!!).

From there on, I can suspend the test call without even waiting for the lady to speak, and Skype keeps working. I found this solution merely by accident.

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