I am trying to schedule cron job for an R script.

I've read this question How do I set cron job and followed suggestions from first answer.

I typed

crontab -e

In the command line and put there a line

*/1 * * * * /usr/bin/Rscript /home/path/scriptTorun.R

The crontab file was saved under name: /tmp/crontab.6eWd50/crontab

The execution of an R script should be append to a text file after every scheduled time (1 minute) but it is not append or there might be no execution - somewhere is my fault.

Should I try to

chmod +x Rscript-name

Any suggestions? I'm new user of the ubuntu.

An R script looks like this:

WP <- html("http://www.wp.pl/?bigDataModule=vowpallwabbit")

Z_TYCH_LOSOWANIE <- html_nodes(WP, "[data-st-area=Sport] a[data-cluster], 
           [data-st-area=Finanse] a[data-cluster], 
           [data-st-area=Stylzycia] a[data-cluster], 
           [data-st-area=Film] a[data-cluster], 
           [data-st-area=Moto] a[data-cluster], 
           [data-st-area=Kobieta] a[data-cluster], 
           [data-st-area=Ciekawostki] a[data-cluster]") %>%
  html_attr( name = "href" )

DO_TYCH_LOSUJEMY <- html_nodes(WP, 
                                "[data-st-area=Glonews-mozaika] li:nth-child(7) a,
                                [data-st-area=Glonews-mozaika] li:nth-child(6) a,
                                [data-st-area=Glonews-mozaika-prawa] li:nth-child(1) a") %>%
  html_attr( name = "href" )

write.table( data.frame(all( DO_TYCH_LOSUJEMY %in% Z_TYCH_LOSOWANIE ), Sys.time()),
            file = "/home/mkosinski//bigdataincontent//Boksy//Sprawdzenie logowania kafli/output.txt" )


I've changed the directory of an outputed file to a /home/crontaband removed spaces from path to the Rscript and it worked fine

  • Try adding 2> /tmp/cronerror to the end of your cron line. That will print any error messages into the file /tmp/cronerror. If any errors are printed, please edit your question and include them.
    – terdon
    Mar 31, 2015 at 11:45
  • 1
    Also, */1 is superfluous: * already means every minute.
    – Jos
    Mar 31, 2015 at 11:52
  • Could you either post that as an answer or delete your question please?
    – terdon
    Mar 31, 2015 at 13:02

1 Answer 1


I've changed the directory of an outputed file to a /home/crontaband removed spaces from path to the Rscript and it worked fine

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