I'm currently on Ubuntu 12.04 and I have ruby version 1.9. 3 installed. I want to install the latest ruby version as I need it for SASS compass to do my front end work. I did research and noticed that its best to just use RVM (ruby version manager) to manage your ruby versions.

I'm trying to install rvm, but I'm have a frustratingly hard time of doing it as all the instructions online seem to have a quirk here or there. Its either the instructions are outdated or it just works for that specific setup.

I tried following this guide as its posted everywhere on the interwebs:

Installation is done via the awesome new "pipe into sh" route:

curl -L get.rvm.io | bash -s stable Load it:

source ~/.rvm/scripts/'rvm' If you want to use version 1.9. 3, just go ahead and:

rvm use 1.9. 3 Want to test with 1.9. 2? Sure:

rvm use 1.9. 2 Commands like gem also work right out of the box:

gem install rails That's it. You're done. You no longer have to deal with the frustration that arises from using distro-built ruby packages.

I'm sorry but that didn't work as after doing source it throws "no such file or directory". So am I suppose to create the directory manually? Or was something else suppose to do that? The instructions doesn't specify. I find it so frustrating when installing stuff like this on Linux as there is always some weird quirk that prevents the full installation. Sure I can continue googling and find other instructions and constantly copy/paste into my terminal in hopes that something sticks and it all of a sudden works, but have no idea what happen due to massive copy/pasting spam.

Another option I was thinking, maybe I should just uninstall ruby and whatever else is related to it? And install it from scratch? So do I just do a apt-get uninstall ruby? I doubt its that simple to uninstall right? =)

1 Answer 1


Try the following (From the official install guide):

\curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable

Notice the \ which is done to make sure your using the curl binary and not an alias. See Why start a shell command with a backslash?. As a hunch, if the command is failing, curl is aliased.


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