I'm using Glade and PyGtk to develop an application. Currently I'm using a button under a toolbar to open files using this code:

    def on_openVideo_clicked(self, widget):
        dialog = Gtk.FileChooserDialog("Please choose a video", self,
            (Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL,
             Gtk.STOCK_OPEN, Gtk.ResponseType.OK))

        response = dialog.run()

        if response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK:
            self.videoInput = dialog.get_preview_filename()
            print "Video file Choosen: ", self.videoInput
        elif response == Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL:
            print 'Cancel Clicked'           


But I decided to replace it with a FileChooserButton because it has better visualization. But I don't know how to print the file name. I guessed it should be something like this:

def on_filechooserbutton_file_set(self, widget):
        print widget.get_filename()

But this doesn't work. So my question is how to retrieve filename from filechooserbutton?

  • I think this question best fits on Stack Overflow.
    – muru
    Sep 20, 2014 at 8:41
  • I actually post same question, but there was no answer. By the way I found the solution and trying to post it as an answer now.
    – AliGH
    Sep 20, 2014 at 8:57

1 Answer 1


This piece of code solved the problem and prints the filename as I wished:

def on_filechooserbutton_file_set(self, widget):
        self.videoInput = widget.get_filename()
        print "Video file Choosen: ", self.videoInput

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