I'm trying to install the Gradle plugin for Eclipse in Ubuntu 14.04 from this link


But i'm unable to drag and drop to Eclipse. How and where should i use the drag and drop feature in the Eclipse platform?

1 Answer 1


If you hover the cursor over the install icon you'll see the following tool-tip (black box):

enter image description here

So all you have to do is open an eclipse instance, then drag & drop the icon to the workspace.

If the above method doesn't work you can install it through the eclipse marketplace. Open an eclipse instance, then from menu click Help and select Eclipse Marketplace...

enter image description here

Wait a few moments for eclipse to contact the marketplace. Type gradle in the search field (1) then click Go (2) or hit Enter and wait a few moments for the results. Once the search is complete, click Install (3) and wait for the process to complete.

enter image description here


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