I am working on Ubuntu 12.10. Insert mode in vi isn't working.

file open in Vi in gnome-terminal

When I hit i to go insert mode, nothing happens. On hitting i again writes i on terminal, but <-backspace doesn't remove the character. Only Delete works there. Do I need to configure anywhere?

  • 1
    From the description, insert mode is working fine. The issue with backspace not working will just be due to the default vim being restricted to "vi compatibility" mode. Installing the "vim" package will remove that from the default config and let you use all vim features. Jun 25, 2015 at 6:19

2 Answers 2


Installing VIM will probably solve that issue

sudo aptitude install vim

it actually has to work though, it might be that compatibility mode is on therefore you will be in the insert mode but VI won't tell you.

Either way using vim is recommended, its basically V i IM proved.

  • 1
    "sudo apt-get install vim" command worked fine.
    – Maninda
    Jan 11, 2014 at 18:53

Its not that insert mode doesnt work. But the vi editor you are using is the older version and is different to use than our usual editors. Get updated version of vi editor by-

sudo apt-get install vim 

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