I am using the gnome-keyring extension for Firefox/Thunderbird.

There used to be a PPA for this plugin, but the maintainer gave up, as the new policy for xulrunner makes it uneasy to keep up with latest firefox version: see the rationale here.
It refers specifically to this post stating xulrunner dev will be removed from Ubuntu.

So the extension is now available in Debian, in Fedora, but not in Ubuntu !

Currently, I just pinned Firefox to the latest compatible version (22), but I am willing to compile this extension by hand.
The source code can be found on github. It depends on xulrunner sdk.

So here is my questions:

  • is there a way to get xulrunner sdk into my system and to compile this extension ?
  • if so, is it likely to work with Firefox/Thunderbird as shipped by Ubuntu ?
  • is there some kind of howto / documentation on the current state of developping / maintaining / packaging extensions for Firefox on Ubuntu ?

2 Answers 2


I could compile using the following method:

  1. download xulrunner-sdk from http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/xulrunner/releases/, chooising the version corresponding to the target version of Firefox (eg. 24.0 for latest FF version as of 2013-09-18)
  2. install firefox-dev and gnome-keyring-dev packages
  3. unpack xulrunner-sdk
  4. compile with:

    XUL_CFLAGS="-I../../xulrunner-sdk/include -I../../xulrunner-sdk/include/nspr" XUL_LDFLAGS="-L../../xulrunner-sdk/lib -lxpcomglue_s -lxul -lmozalloc -lplds4 -lplc4 -lnspr4 -lpthread -ldl" XPCOM_ABI_FLAGS="-Wl,-rpath=/usr/lib/firefox" make

  5. install extension with the xpi file produced


There are some resources around how to package a Firefox extension:

  • Thanks for taking the time to gather this information! Not exactly an answer to my question, but far better than nothing. Will wait a bit more for other answers to come, and accept your answer if nothing more specific comes.
    – alci
    Sep 13, 2013 at 8:36

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