Hullo all. I have just started s job with Chegg, and my 1st assignment has me writign solutions for Stewart's Essential Calculus. I am dealing with the chapter on multiple integration, and need a good open-source software that I can easily use to draw regions (domains) that would require multiple integrals: i.e. circular regions, portions of circles, regions bounded by curves and/or arcs, and at some point 3D pictures.

In most of these cases, I am not working with an exact equation or perhaps need to draw the region bounded by r (radius) between 1 and 2, and the angle theta bounded between pi/4 and 3 pi/4. I am not too terribly familiar with programs like Corel Draw, but the documents I have from this company suggest Corel Draw. So I think I am looking for an open-source free program like Corel Draw or something similar. Any additional suggestions would also be appreciated. I know I can do most, if not all of this using TikZ, but the learning curve is a bit steep, and at the moment I an on a time constraint. Thanks.

  • 1
    Try Inkscape. It's an open-source Illustrator clone, but more simple. Jul 7, 2012 at 21:21
  • OK, I'll try Inkscape and see how it goes. Thanks. Jul 7, 2012 at 21:41

2 Answers 2


I would use: gnuplot or a more simple graphical plotting program from the software centre, then I would use inkscape to do the filling and detail. I don't think there is an easier way to 'draw maths', vector drawing and mathematics doesn't really go well.

gnuplot has a learning curve, but there are some short and concise tutorials, and you can output the graphs as vectors drawings (eps) etc... or high res. what ever suits your needs.


For a math centric project, maybe give Octave a look. (In the $$$ world you would use Wolfram Mathematica.)

For an images (raster) centric project, maybe give GIMP a look. (In the $$$ world you would use Adobe Photoshop.)

Or like everyone else is saying for images (vector graphics) centric project, maybe give Inkscape a look. (In the $$$ world you would use Adobe Illustrator.)

Oh, oh, if you want to get fancy and create a 3 dimensional world, maybe give Povray a look. It is a ray tracing package that renders 3 dimensional images. Geometric images like solid cylinders and cones are easy and only require a dozen or so lines of code/description. Some people have gone nuts and rendered incredible realistic scenes.

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