during my work I need to constantly add alias commands to bashrc, most of those commands needs to be runed by other users. is there any way I could add alias commands to a bashrc from external source?

5 Answers 5


Many config files in users home directory just override/add to ones in the /etc - for example the settings for GIMP in the users home are in ~/.gimp-2.*, which adds to the system-wide config /etc/gimp/2.0.

So for ~/.bashrc, you could edit the system wide config files /etc/bash.bashrc (for functions/aliases) or /etc/profile (for environment stuff) - you can the full list from man bash:

              The bash executable
              The systemwide initialization file, executed for login shells
              The systemwide login shell cleanup file, executed when a login shell exits
              The personal initialization file, executed for login shells
              The individual per-interactive-shell startup file
              The individual login shell cleanup file, executed when a login shell exits
              Individual readline initialization file

This warning is given for a few Linux systems in the files:

# It's NOT a good idea to change this file unless you know what you
# are doing. It's much better to create a custom.sh shell script in
# /etc/profile.d/ to make custom changes to your environment, as this
# will prevent the need for merging in future updates.

So you could edit those files, you may want to back them up first (cp /etc/bash.bashrc /etc/bash.bashrc-backup for example), or create a shell script in /etc/profile.d - for example you can create one with these commands (with sudo/as root):

touch /etc/profile.d/custom.sh
chmod +x /etc/profile.d/custom.sh

Then open it with nano /etc/profile.d/custom.sh

alias ls='ls -lah'

And check whether it works by seeing if it appears in the output of alias - Note that you may need to logout/login or reboot to see any changes (if you don't want to, running source /etc/profile after any changes might work)

  • 7
    Plenty of good suggestions there. I think there is one other option, which would be worth mentioning as well. One can edit /etc/skel/.bashrc to change what the contents of ~/.bashrc will look like for newly created users.
    – kasperd
    Jul 27, 2014 at 15:08
  • @kasperd - nice idea (you could do a answer on it if you want)
    – Wilf
    Jul 27, 2014 at 15:12
  • In my experience, ~/.bash_logout and /etc/bash.bash_logout do not work. :( Jul 29, 2014 at 13:56
  • 1
    AFAIK alias in /etc/profile.d/ will not be picked up by sub-process right? So the alias is only available when Bash is the log-in shell? Jun 12, 2018 at 22:11
  • I think some of them only work when its used in say a TTY as the only environment, in a desktop terminal some of them may not be used. I'd have to test this to verify this though and can't at the moment!
    – Wilf
    Jun 14, 2018 at 12:53

Go to /etc/bash.bashrc

vim /etc/bash.bashrc

and make your alias there.

add your alias in last line.

alias abc="whatever"

That alias will become global for all users.

but for security reasons we dont recommend you that.

there is profile.d directory which contains user-environment files

go to

cd /etc/profile.d/

vim aliases

and add your aliases here.

without effecting your system files. It is safe and right way to work with your environment files.

  • Thats a folder. What do you mean add your aliases?
    – zezba9000
    Apr 9 at 5:46

There's already an accepted answer here, but you might consider using some form of environment modules to handle system-wide configuration of user environments rather than messing with the files in /etc/profile.d, etc. This is especially true if you want to manage this control in one place across lots of shells. Lmod (under very active development), C/TCL modules (the classic solution), or Cmod (lightweight).


Don't know if I'm doing it right, but it works for me to keep a /home/ComunAtodos directory (capitalized and in spanish to make evident that it is not a linux native directory) and put .bashrc, .nanorc and .bash_aliases there. Then I reference those in /etc/skel/.profile so new users point to them, and only add extras to specific users that need them.


I'm really new to Linux operativ system, but i did a sketch of a bash script that works to modify all the users .bashrc file and not the system file /etc/.bashrc file.


X=$( cat etc/passwd | cut -f1 -d: ) #All-users

For X in /home/*/.bashrc ; do 

echo "alias ls='ls -al'" >> $X



source $X

exit 0

Okay so i know that that script works, but i don't if it's fault free :) Also u can modify it so it doesn't involves all the users, maybe u make a file for all the users that need their .bashrc file customized.

  • 3
    First line (where you read /etc/passwd) seems to do nothing. Your 4th line seems to be a mistake (and I don't see why you'd want to suppress errors). "exit 0" is redundant. This requires all users to already have a .bashrc file, and always appends regardless of whether the line is already in their file. Dec 3, 2017 at 23:20
  • I was thinking to get the names of all users with that line? But now that i think about it i could just do cut < /etc/passwd, there was alot of names on that list so i didn't want IT to make errrors for those who doesn't have bashrc filé. How can u append only if the line doesn't exist ? And could u Write the proper script for this type of rask please i have only been using Linux for a week. Dec 4, 2017 at 11:11
  • Looks like you already have some skills but this tutorial is a good one for shell scripting: shellscript.sh . For other questions such as how to append a line only if it doesn't already exist, feel free to ask them as new questions on here. Dec 4, 2017 at 23:21

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