I run Ubuntu server 20.04 (before I tried it with 18.04). I have everything freshly installed and updated. Then I tried to run a specific program but I got

libboost_system.so.1.58.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I also tried to install the newest libboost_system1.67.0, however this didn't help.

Is it really that I need to recompile the software to include the newest libraries or is there some workaround?

1 Answer 1


You have installed a software that is not supported by Ubuntu. Obviously the software (which you did not mention) needs some older libraries. So you've got those possible solutions:

  • Recompile and link the software with the current libraries.
  • Try to find a snap package that includes all the dependencies
  • Find a version that is compatible with Ubuntu 20.04 - e.g in a ppa

What you shouldn't do: Do not try to install the needed libboost_system 1.58.0 (which your software needs),as it may break you system. And it probably wont work, since its dependencies are also missing.

  • Hi, Thanks for your answer. Sorry - I just didnt think it would matter, it is an old qt-wallet from the shield coin (abandoned coin, so never updated anymore). Im trying to recompile it now - forgive me this question - but if I recompile it, does it link to the newest library automatically? Best N
    – Nuschnusch
    Jun 6, 2020 at 22:51
  • Yes it should. If you are content with my answer, I'd appreciate if you'd accept it. Please keep in mind that you'll need all the dependent header files for compiling...
    – kanehekili
    Jun 6, 2020 at 22:52
  • Thanks for your help, Im trying it now - but Im getting alot of errors :D Maybe it will work either way :)
    – Nuschnusch
    Jun 6, 2020 at 22:58
  • You'll need quite a bunch of Qt libraries to compile. If you succeed you should share you're result in a ppa . It may help others... I wish you success.
    – kanehekili
    Jun 6, 2020 at 23:18
  • Thanks, it worked :)
    – Nuschnusch
    Jun 7, 2020 at 8:42

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