I am going crazy as not understanding what I am doing wrong.

I wrote this bash script to run a php script with nohup. It looks like this:

nohup /usr/bin/php /opt/bitnami/nginx/html/folder/script.php $argv > fileoutput.txt 2>&1 &

when I run in in terminal as ./script.sh it does work, I can see the process running if I grep php and also my database updates.

Now I am trying to automate this process with crontab with this instruction:

43 * * * * /bin/sh /opt/bitnami/nginx/html/folder/script.sh

I am just changing the minute currently to test the automation as I will add a cycle of $argv to be executed when I manage to get this to work.

I have applied chmod 777 to the script.sh and now I really have no idea what else to fix.

Thanks in advance!

  • What is $argv and how is it set? it's unlikely that it will be in the cron execution environment. Do you see any errors in fileoutput.txt? Dec 2, 2019 at 13:02
  • $argv is just a variable that you can write and updates the php script to then query the DB in my case. I see no errors as my problem is that the script doesn't even run.
    – Luke_V
    Dec 9, 2019 at 5:07

1 Answer 1


The desktop's runtime environment differs from the cron runtime environment. Read man 5 crontab and run

(echo "=== set ===";set;echo "===env ==="; env | sort;echo "=== alias ===";alias)

in both environments, and compare the results.

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