I’m using Ubuntu MATE 18.04. I’m trying to install chrome remote desktop. I have downloaded a deb file and when I install it, everything is fine until I reboot, but after that when I login, I get an error saying “Could not acquire name on session bus” on a blank black screen. I click “close” woth my mouse pointer and then there is nothing left on the screen except the pointer. I can still open a terminal with Ctrl+Alt+T. I tried following instructions on the net which advice me to create .chrome-remote-desktop-session file, and edit .profile, and after doing that it still remains the same.

Any advice?

3 Answers 3


Ok, so I found the solution after searching and experimenting a bit, here it is for people of the future :)

Add these three lines to .chrome-remote-desktop-session:


after create .chrome-remote-desktop-session file, add next line:

exec /usr/sbin/lightdm-session "keywords=launch;MATE;desktop;session"

that's it.


Here's what I did to fix it.

Chrome remote desktop can cause issues for the gnome-terminal to launch. I uninstalled it using sudo apt remove chrome-remote-desktop. The terminal launched successfully once I rebooted.

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