Every time I start or restart my Ubuntu 16, Xampp doesn't start I have start manually by sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start. Making script like sudo nano /etc/init.d/lampp doesn't work command update-rc.d lampp defaults gives me error:

insserv: warning: script 'K01lampp' missing LSB tags and overrides
insserv: warning: script 'lampp' missing LSB tags and overrides
insserv: fopen(.depend.stop): Permission denied

The script File contains the below lines:


/opt/lampp/lampp start]

Any solution?

3 Answers 3


My solution is rather simple.

Simply open terminal and write

sudo gedit /etc/rc.local

And then add these 2 lines just before the last line

cd /opt/lampp/
sudo ./lampp start

And that's it. Simply save and restart the computer. Please note that these lines should be above the last line that says exit 0

I hope it helps someone else.

    • First move that particular script to /etc/init.d/ Directory

for example

#! /bin/sh
# /etc/init.d/lampp

# Some things that run always
touch /var/lock/lampp

# Carry out specific functions when asked to by the system
case "$1" in
    echo "Starting script lampp "
    echo "Could do more here"
    echo "Stopping script lampp"
    echo "Could do more here"
    echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/lampp {start|stop}"
    exit 1

exit 0

Once you've saved your file into the correct location make sure that it's executable by running "chmod 755 /etc/init.d/lampp".

Then you need to add the appropriate symbolic links to cause the script to be executed when the system goes down, or comes up.

*it's this way

root@root:~# update-rc.d lampp defaults

2.Do it using GUI

  • STARTUP APPLICATIONenter image description here
  • I tried making a symbolic link but gives me error: ln: failed to create symbolic link '/opt/lampp/lampp': File exists Jan 11, 2017 at 5:12
  • The file which i have made is in /etc/init.d/lampp and the original file is in /opt/lampp/lampp . Jan 11, 2017 at 5:13
  • /opt/lampp/lampp this the main file which i use to start xampp sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start Jan 11, 2017 at 12:46
  • Try my answer below. That should be much more easy. Mar 7, 2017 at 11:17
  • Thank you for the answer which has helped me, Akhil Varma. I have expanded your script a bit more to fully support the service command fully. Please refer to my answer below for my sharing. Thank you. Aug 2, 2019 at 12:12

Thank you for the answer which has helped me, Akhil Varma.

Based on the earlier from Akhil Varma, I would like to share a modified version for /etc/init.d/lampp to support service or systemctl command fully. Please make sure the command used and file created is done in root.

#! /bin/sh
# /etc/init.d/lampp

# Some things that run always touch /var/lock/lampp

# Carry out specific functions when asked to by the system case "$1" in   start)
    echo "Starting script lampp "
    /opt/lampp/lampp start
    /opt/lampp/lampp startftp
    ;;   status)
    echo "Status of script lampp"
    /opt/lampp/lampp status
    if test -f /opt/lampp/logs/httpd.pid 
      exit 0
      exit 3
    ;;   stop)
    echo "Stopping script lampp"
    /opt/lampp/lampp stop
    ;;   *)
    echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/lampp {start|stop|status}"
    exit 1
    ;; esac

exit 0

This is assuming the installation directory for LAMPP/XAMPP is at /opt/lampp. Change accordingly if your LAMPP/XAMPP installation directory is different.

Make sure the /etc/init.d/lampp is executable by:

chmod 755 /etc/init.d/lampp

To enable auto-start for LAMPP/XAMPP service:

update-rc.d lampp defaults

You can now use the following service command as follows, and it will report correctly:

service lampp status
service --status-all


systemctl status lampp

To start/stop the lampp manually:

service lampp start
service lampp stop


systemctl start lampp
systemctl stop lampp

Hope it helps.

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