I'm trying to figure out how to rename multiple files (100s) that have different extensions to their respective sub directory name. Here is the structure:


what I would like to do is batch process a rename of all files within their respective subdir name while maintaining their extension.

From the parent directory I was using this command but I'm having issues with the file extensions:

for subdir in *; do mv $subdir/*  $subdir.mpeg; done;
  • 2
    What is the "respective subdir"? Just the extension, like txt, jpeg, ovc, etc? In other words: what is the expected outcome?
    – PerlDuck
    Dec 28, 2018 at 19:35
  • 1
  • Your question is unclear. It would be helpful if you could add an example of old + new filename, or show example of new structure ( i.e. , edited example of what you have as structure in the question ) Dec 31, 2018 at 9:54

1 Answer 1


I conjured this script that can help to achieve what you want:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e

for i in "$1"/*/*
    name=$(basename "${i%/*}")
    [ ! -d "$i" ] && [ ! -f "$1/$name/$name.$ext" ] && mv "$1/$name/$old" "$1/$name/$name.$ext"



├── subdir1
│   ├── name1.ovc
│   └── name1.txt
└── subdir2
    ├── name2.ovc
    └── name2.txt


├── subdir1
│   ├── subdir1.ovc
│   └── subdir1.txt
└── subdir2
    ├── subdir2.ovc
    └── subdir2.txt

Usage: ./script.sh Parentdir


  • old="${i##*/}": returns filename to change (name1.ovc)
  • ext="${i##*.}": returns file extension (mpeg, txt)
  • name=$(basename "${i%/*}"): returns immediate parent directory of target file (subdir1)
  • [ ! -d "$i" ]: check if not a directory
  • [ ! -f "$1/$name/$name.$ext" ]: Check if the file already exists and has been renamed already
  • Hi George, thanks again and I have one more question. I ran the script and sometimes the file already has the same name as the directory it is in. I get a 'same name' message and the script stops. How can I modify to skip the file and move on to the next one? Jan 4, 2019 at 5:44

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