I'll paste the sequence of commands I'm trying to run to configure desktop Ubuntu 18.04 NetworkManager according to the answer in this SO question. When I perform the steps in the answer I end up with an "Error: connection verification failed".

nmcli connection show --active

NAME          UUID                                  TYPE  DEVICE
LINKSYS99999  ...                                   wifi  wlp4s0

nmcli connection edit

Valid connection types: adsl, bluetooth, bond, bridge, cdma, dummy, generic, gsm, infiniband, ip-tunnel, macsec, macvlan, 802-11-olpc-mesh (olpc-mesh), ovs-bridge, ovs-interface, ovs-port, pppoe, team, tun, vlan, vpn, vxlan, wimax, 802-3-ethernet (ethernet), 802-11-wireless (wifi), bond-slave, bridge-slave, team-slave

Enter connection type: wifi

nmcli> remove ipv4.dns  
nmcli> set ipv4.ignore-auto-dns yes
nmcli> set ipv4.dns
nmcli> save

Error: connection verification failed: 802-11-wireless.ssid: property is missing You may try running 'verify fix' to fix errors.

nmcli> verify fix

Verify connection: 802-11-wireless.ssid: property is missing The error cannot be fixed automatically.

What is going on and how do I fix it? Do I need to post all my wireless details according to this SO guide?

1 Answer 1


You have to specify a connection ID or name to change an existing connection script, or add SSID info if creating a new connection script...

man nmcli

edit {[id | uuid | path] ID | [type type] [con-name name] }
    Edit an existing connection or add a new one, using an interactive

    The existing connection is identified by its name, UUID or D-Bus
    path. If ID is ambiguous, a keyword id, uuid, or path can be used.
    See connection show above for the description of the ID-specifying
    keywords. Not providing an ID means that a new connection will be

    The interactive editor will guide you through the connection
    editing and allow you to change connection parameters according to
    your needs by means of a simple menu-driven interface. The editor
    indicates what settings and properties can be modified and provides
    in-line help.

    Available options:

        type of the new connection; valid types are the same as for
        connection add command.

        name for the new connection. It can be changed later in the

Post note: if this is an Ubuntu Desktop installation, it's easier to use the NetworkManager GUI to set up these settings.

  • in my case instead of typing nmcli connection edit into my terminal I should have typed nmcli connection edit LINKSYS99999? SSID is simply the network name I get when I nmcli connection show --active I believe. Is this correct? I can try when I'm next in front of the Ubuntu box. Not using GUI because I need to learn command line. Thanks Dec 7, 2018 at 15:38
  • 1
    --active shows your current connection and connection name. I don't know if I'd edit an existing wireless connection via cli. Learning the cli is a good goal, but I'd make sure I fully understand the GUI first.
    – heynnema
    Dec 7, 2018 at 16:00
  • I did end up editing the active connection. Before you save Ubuntu will test the connection to make sure you didn't screw things up before applying changes. But your caution is warranted. Dec 10, 2018 at 13:52

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