I am using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and when I heard about KDE plasma 5.13 I decided to try it, and be able to use both DEs. However, I found my Ubuntu dock cluttered with KDE apps like Dolphin and Okular... I want each desktop environment to have its default built-in apps but I don't want it to have the other's. How do I go about that? I don't want to hide the apps manually, I would rather have a script take care of it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Edit: I tried making a bash file to make KDE apps only visible in KDE after following instructions from a UNIX stackexchange post. Here is its content:

cd /usr/share/applications/kde4/ || exit
sudo for i in *.desktop; do echo "OnlyShowIn=KDE" >> "$i"; done

and ran it with the following command: $ sudo bash default_apps_restricter.sh However, I got this output:

default_apps_restricter.sh: line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `do'
default_apps_restricter.sh: line 3: `sudo for i in *.desktop; do echo "OnlyShowIn=KDE" >> "$i"; done'

Please help!

  • do I add a line saying OnlyShowIn=Gnome for gnome apps? or is it OnlyShowIn=Ubuntu and where are the default apps' .desktop files located for each of the DEs?
    – Oussema
    Jun 18, 2018 at 9:15
  • Also for KDE apps do I type OnlyShowIn=KDE or Plasma or Kubuntu?
    – Oussema
    Jun 18, 2018 at 9:20
  • OnlyShowIn=KDE should work but you may have to run sudo update-desktop-database after making the change.
    – pomsky
    Jun 18, 2018 at 9:30

1 Answer 1


You can edit the .desktop launcher associated to each application and add OnlyShowIn or NotShowIn keys accordingly. The .desktop files can be found in /usr/share/applications/ (and some in ~/.local/share/applications/).

But it's not recommended to edit the files in /usr/share/applications/ (they'll most likely be overwritten once an associated package gets updated). Instead copy the .desktop file from /usr/share/applications/ to ~/.local/share/applications/ and edit the copied file.

To make an application visible only in GNOME add the following line


and to make an application invisible in GNOME add the following line

  • I tried to automate that but it doesn't work. Could you please take a look at my edited post?
    – Oussema
    Jun 18, 2018 at 9:48
  • @Oussema Have you checked whether OnlyShowIn=KDE; got appended to the files (; is needed)?
    – pomsky
    Jun 18, 2018 at 9:59
  • Ok, I sorted it out by removing sudo from the bash file but it turns out only three apps are in /kde4 and I have to go through the rest manually. Thank you for your help I will just go one by one.
    – Oussema
    Jun 18, 2018 at 10:01

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