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terdon's user avatar
terdon's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
3 votes

Add timestamp to log output from bash script

3 votes

How to decompress without any extraction a .tar.xz file into .tar file?

1 vote

Defining a function in Ubuntu

4 votes

Difference between memory usage outputs via 'neofetch' and 'free -m'

0 votes

How to get the X-Servers complete address

3 votes

Failed to mount /data_

2 votes

Running Commands every 5 minutes

0 votes

how to restart coldfusion using cronjob

1 vote

What is that Linux command that gives you a tight little system summary that includes an ASCII icon image of your OS right in the terminal?

8 votes

How to grep only certain word in 1 line?

1 vote

How can I use " inside expect send command with variable

3 votes

how to show perl printf with decimal as a variable

6 votes

Errno 28 No space left on device even though there is space

0 votes

problem bashrc file colored terminal

3 votes

What is the chat command in linux?

12 votes

How can I check if string exists in file

2 votes

Add directory before word contain extension .txt

1 vote

When I type "code ." in wsl with ubuntu distro, it prompts something and asks me "y/N". How to remove that prompt?

8 votes

Shared $HOME causes config conflicts between Ubuntu and Debian desktops

5 votes

Check if process does or does not exist

3 votes

System Activity Report (sar) - how can I preserve color, but disable extra header lines? (and use less)

5 votes

Trying to uncomment unattended-upgrades lines with script, need help

2 votes

Removing a variable pattern from the title of my files

0 votes

delete 50 random rows in a txt files that have their second column labeled as 0

8 votes

How to make a key write a specific command everytime i use it in the terminal?

1 vote

How to grep a string from a file starting from a pattern and ending from a pattern

2 votes

Where to Source your .Profile (Ubuntu 21.10)

0 votes

How to add quotes to second element of a string after comma in a text file bash

1 vote

How can I remove a string from every line of a file in the second column of a file

1 vote

Read from a text file and get the corresponding row from a csv file

1 2
4 5