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Terry Wang's user avatar
Terry Wang's user avatar
Terry Wang
  • Member for 11 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
208 votes

How do I check the battery's status via the terminal?

172 votes

How do I force SSH to only allow users with a key to log in?

52 votes

Run a nohup command over SSH, then disconnect

49 votes

What does 2>/dev/null mean?

33 votes

Why does every directory have a size 4096 bytes (4 K)?

31 votes

How to delete a non-working kernel after update?

28 votes

How can I increase disk size on a Vagrant VM?

27 votes

How can I see if I'm logged in via VPN?

23 votes

apt.conf "Acquire::http:Proxy "proxyserver:port" seems not to be used (Ubuntu 13.04 under Virtual Box on Win7)

19 votes

DNS over TLS with systemd-resolved

15 votes

Failed to Connect to PPTP VPN Server on Ubuntu

11 votes

How to use Btrfs with compression on external USB hard drive?

11 votes

How to open a PDF file from terminal?

8 votes

Firefox bookmarks in the Ubuntu files system

8 votes

How to install xfce 4.12 on ubuntu 12.04

8 votes

Select commands from bash history

7 votes

how to map a folder in my VM to my local machine

7 votes

Can I replace disk containing /home without reinstalling Ubuntu?

7 votes

How do I change the computer name?

7 votes

ext4 to btrfs conversion: how long can it take? space requirements?

6 votes

Unable to locate package libopenmpi-dev on 12.04

6 votes

Creating a Dedicated swap hard drive

6 votes

Setting up rbenv properly

6 votes

Keep the running processes alive when disconneting the remote connection

5 votes

I can't connect to Hadoop port 9000

5 votes

curl: (5) Couldn't resolve proxy 'hproxy.iitm.ac.in'

5 votes

Cannot ssh into new Vagrant install of 13.04

4 votes

VNC on UBUNTU 13.04 - not showing full desktop

4 votes

Launching firefox through putty, and open it up in LXDE desktop

4 votes

How do I store result of a command in textfile?

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