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Raja G's user avatar
Raja G
  • Member for 12 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
1 vote

Why do I sometimes get corrupted text on Firefox when it loads a webpage?

1 vote

What download managers are available for Ubuntu?

28 votes

How to migrate(change) from Ubuntu desktop to Ubuntu Server?

14 votes

How to create a bootable USB with multiple ISO images in it

7 votes

Is there a tool for removing metadata?

33 votes

How to get out of fullscreen mode?

1 vote

Cannot find mpm-itk after installing

54 votes

How do I turn off the firewall in Ubuntu 12.04?

0 votes

How to run Perl script in jenkins

4 votes

cx_Oracle in Ubuntu: distutils.errors.DistutilsSetupError: cannot locate an Oracle software installation

49 votes

How to download a file from a website via terminal?

1 vote

Cannot upgrade Chrome 52 to 54 in 16.04

10 votes

Is there any standard tool for checking hardware and drivers?

2 votes

Starting ProFTPD fail

0 votes

Python 'Import pyodbc' does not work in a cron task

25 votes

Installing PHP 5.3 in Ubuntu 14.04

8 votes

How do I reset all GSettings key to their default values?

3 votes

Update QEMU on Ubuntu 12.04

1 vote

At what time intervals does ntpd update the time?

0 votes

cannot find a way to install php's pecl bbcode exentsion

-1 votes

Cut column from list

1 vote

How do I add the Malayalam keyboard layout in Kubuntu?

1 vote

Why i can't login in Xubuntu 16.04?

2 votes

bash send output from command to variable

2 votes

Why isn't python 3 the default python binary?

0 votes

Find files whose size is less than 10 MB

0 votes

Run Shell Script inside tmux

0 votes

16.04 : "aptitude" at the command line

1 vote

bash shell output history file location

0 votes

Replacing a Substring with sed

1 2
4 5