11 votes

Opening Vector Files In Ubuntu

You have to try Inkscape! This is a very good Vector graphics program. The official homepage!, or just use the version in our repositories. Extract from homepage: Inkscape has sophisticated ...
Ken Mollerup's user avatar
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2 votes

Krita: Clean up image

Open image by GIMP Select Colors > Brightness-Contrast Then drag the slider into really high contrast and low brightness. Like this. Then you get an image like before-after: Now no graduation is ...
Sadaharu Wakisaka's user avatar
1 vote

I'm looking for an app or programme that can draw similar to Sketchup

FreeCAD has the ability to make drawings in plan view. FreeCAD is an open source CAx RAD based on OpenCasCade, Qt and Python. It features some key concepts like macro recording, workbenches, ability ...
karel's user avatar
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1 vote

Opening Vector Files In Ubuntu

rsvg-view-3 - command line viewer
Adam's user avatar
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