10 votes

How to know what program is listening on a given port?

Due to low point in community, I can't comment here. Without sudo all above commands will not provide you Process Id / Program Name. So, you need type following things: sudo lsof -i :8000 or ...
chudasamachirag's user avatar
7 votes

Launching programs after hostname change returns error _IceTransSocketUNIXConnect: could not connect to local-host

It appears this error stems from the ~/.ICEauthority file. You can use the command iceauth list list your entries. In my case the old hostname included localhost, replace this with your old hostname. ...
Elijah Lynn's user avatar
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6 votes

Mysql install ERROR: Database files are locked. Daemon already running? Warning: Unable to start the server

Solution for me was in this three commands: sudo apt-get clean sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade -f
Čamo's user avatar
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5 votes

Mysql install ERROR: Database files are locked. Daemon already running? Warning: Unable to start the server

I had this issue and after trying the above the installation was stuck at mysqld is running as PID 2802. I killed the MySQL processes on a different terminal pkill mysql
Amir Khalil's user avatar
2 votes

Clamav-daemon on Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS: Why is clamd socket file not created in /var/run/clamav?

I resolved this problem today by reconfiguring clamav-daemon: dpkg-reconfigure clamav-daemon Even without changing any values that seemed to kick something and get it working again.
cpeel's user avatar
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Server stops accepting connections after ~120,000 active on 18.04.3

Turns out it was an AWS limitation. Apparently talking between EC2 instances inside the same VPC has an active connection limit of around 120,000. Making them use a public IP to communicate got rid of ...
Denis's user avatar
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2 votes

Use a "t" in a socket already used by another process

You can watch ALL the network connections with wireshark. From man wireshark: xenial (1) wireshark.1.gz Provided by: wireshark-qt_2.0.2+ga16e22e-1_i386 NAME wireshark - Interactively dump ...
waltinator's user avatar
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IPV6 Binding Failure Error: Cannot assign requested address

The line memcpy(&(sin.sin6_addr), "fc00:1234:1::10",sizeof(sin.sin6_addr)); is wrong; that's absolutely not how you set the address and port of a socket. Please see man 7 ipv6 and the question "...
AlexP's user avatar
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Why is python listening on port 8000?

Find out which program has the port open with sudo lsof -i tcp:8000 Foe example, since I know I'm running sshd, I'll check for port tcp:22 here: $ sudo lsof -i tcp:22 COMMAND PID USER FD ...
waltinator's user avatar
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iriunwebcam doesn't work on 20.04

I had the same problem and also tested it in a VM with Ubuntu 20.04 and 19.10. Both worked right away. Then i tried it on my laptop again with a wired network connection because there was only a wired ...
Bas's user avatar
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2 votes

Mysql install ERROR: Database files are locked. Daemon already running? Warning: Unable to start the server

What does sudo service mysqld status have to say about this? In any case, sudo service mysqld stop might be enough to do the trick.
Daniel B's user avatar
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2 votes

Why does KeePassXC creates a socket file in tmp folder

These sockets are related to a cross platform solution for having a single instance of the application. This socket is not communicating with anything. When another instance of KeePassXC is run, it ...
varjolintu's user avatar
2 votes

Communication between two netcats

When you want nc to listen, you need to use the -p parameter to specify the listening port like this: nc -l -p 5000 -e /bin/bash
Musinux's user avatar
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1 vote

Which ping-like command to measure lowest-latency possible between two machine?

I think your delays are very short. But you can try to use the shorter ping and arping. Shorter ping ping -s 16 <destination_IP> ping -s 0 <destination_IP> Normally the ping packet ...
netbat's user avatar
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ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused

I couldn't reproduce your issue, thus not sure what's the problem. But, some remarks. I added a simple ping-pong exchange to your code: # t2.py from multiprocessing.connection import Listener ...
ulidtko's user avatar
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1 vote

Why doesn't MariaDB or MySQL start?

1st check if mariadb is running. You can not connect to it if it is not. You forgot to do sudo mysql_secure_installation to set up a user and password. Regarding this command please also ... remove ...
Rinzwind's user avatar
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Generate a dir for unix sockets WITHOUT systemd

Instead of init.d services you may be lucky by writing your full script path into a file called /etc/rc.local (you may have to create it) and make it executable Like so: #!/bin/sh -e # # rc.local # # ...
SummerRain's user avatar
1 vote

iriunwebcam doesn't work on 20.04

If Iriun webcam is not working after updating GRUB, it could be due to you computer's firewall which sometimes causes problems. You need to reset all network firewalls in Ubuntu by using the following ...
Venkatasai Maddisetty's user avatar
1 vote

iriunwebcam doesn't work on 20.04

you can also try adding the rule in your firewall settings with the command. ufw allow from <your-device-local-ip>. it should start from '192.x.x.x' something in that line. it worked for me
toothsy's user avatar
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iriunwebcam doesn't work on 20.04

Try sudo modprobe v4l2loopback exclusive_caps=1
Jay's 3D Channel's user avatar
1 vote

Communicating via a local socket or named pipe

Let's answer couple questions first: What is a named pipe ? It's an inter-process communication method. Anonymous pipelines are created in software, typically via pipe() syscall. When you do a ...
Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy's user avatar
1 vote

How to know what program is listening on a given port?

Here is an easy to remember command ss -townlup Netid State Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address:Port ...
Anand Rockzz's user avatar
1 vote

Unable to start Apache on Ubuntu 12.10: no listening sockets available

It looks like there might be nginx service running behind. So stop the nginx "service nginx stop" and now try to start the apache2 service, it should come without any issues. ( stop if any other app ...
Nagaraj Jalawadi's user avatar
1 vote

How to send packets at 512 nano sec delay using Socket Programming and UDP socket

The problem with nanosleep is that it includes rather significant overhead. Users tend to expect accurate delays down to very low values, which isn't really practical for the CPU yielding sleep ...
Doug Smythies's user avatar
1 vote

Failing to Start gunicorn.service using systemd

I am able to resolve this issue now. I have changed configurations in the gunicorn.service file in the below properties. WorkingDirectory=~/Python-Projects to /root/Python-Projects
Srinivas Nani's user avatar
1 vote

#include <SFML/Network.hpp> not found

You need to install development package for this header: sudo apt-get install libsfml-dev
N0rbert's user avatar
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Problem in reading from socket

The command you typed nc -lk 9999 | tail -f my_file.txt means: Take the output of netcat and pipe that to tail -f my_file.txt. But tail doesn't accept any input, it merely watches the file my_file....
PerlDuck's user avatar
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Import system log files into local socket

You said you use rsyslogd. Then put a file (e.g. my-forward.conf) with the following content into /etc/rsyslog.d/: if ( prifilt("*.warning") ) then { action(type="omfwd" protocol="tcp" target="...
PerlDuck's user avatar
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mysqld directory disappears after using sudo service mysql stop

Did this workaround: sudo service mysql stop mkdir /var/run/mysqld/ chown mysqld /var/run/mysqld/ After restarting MySQL, it worked normally.
motorbaby's user avatar
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