13 votes

Keyboard Shortcut for Changing Desktops in Lubuntu

Ctrl + Alt + Left switches to previous desktop Ctrl + Alt + Right switches to next desktop Reference: Lubuntu/Keyboard In Lubuntu 16.04 LTS the following default shortcuts switch directly to a ...
Positive Navid's user avatar
7 votes

Disable switching between different desktops with mouse scroll

As vanadium put in his answer, the extension setting is not exposed in UI. But you can install dconf-editor and change the scroll-option to do-nothing setting under the dash-to-dock extension. Or you ...
Sivaram's user avatar
  • 86
4 votes

Installing several different flavours of Ubuntu 20.04

Yes you can install multiple desktops on a base system. The system I'm replying to you on is originally a artful (17.10) Ubuntu desktop install, on which I added lubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop & ...
guiverc's user avatar
  • 30.4k
3 votes

Plasma hangs when I try to switch desktops

OK, got it, it is kwin dying for some reason. If you have the same issue, you may press alt+f2 or alt+space or whatever your hotkey for executing a command is and kwin_x11 restarts kwin. Since the ...
Skirmy's user avatar
  • 51
1 vote

Installing several different flavours of Ubuntu 20.04

You can install different desktops from the terminal e.g. sudo apt install ubuntu-mate-desktop xubuntu-desktop You can choose which one to use when you log in.
Simon Baldwin's user avatar
1 vote

Remove extra screens from CLI

I used xrandr to workaround this issue as follows: xrandr --listmonitors Shows two monitors: 0: +VGA-1 1: *+LVDS-1 Then I used xrandr to turn one of them off. xrandr --output LVDS-1 --...
James Bradbury's user avatar
1 vote

using 2 desktops with 2 gpus

So, this is not exactly what I was asking for, but I found a solution that does what I want. I wanted something that would let me use my computer with my iGPU while the NVIDIA GPU was busy with ...
Mr.WorshipMe's user avatar
1 vote

Why don't I get Unity as an option when logging in?

The sessions typically are listed on the login screen if they are read from .desktop files provided in /usr/share/xsessions folder. On my system ( default Unity desktop ) I have the following ubuntu....
Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy's user avatar
1 vote

Disable desktop switching with the scroll wheel with Openbox?

I found that inadvertently moving the scroll wheel when my mouse was over bare desktop caused my windows to disappear and a switch to a new desktop with Lubuntu 18.04. This was not what I wanted. I ...
user855483's user avatar

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