10 votes

How to use Firefox from 18.04 repositories in Ubuntu 20.04 in order to use Global menu?

In /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ add bionic sources, so it will be easier to remove it. To do this, create the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bionic.list with the following contents. deb http://archive....
nobody's user avatar
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5 votes

Enable Intellij or Android Studio KDE Global Menu

LAST UPDATE Intellij version 2020.2.1 has been reported with issues in global menu, previous version worked out of the box Intellij issue track link Some hope for Android Studio, global menu is ...
Buntupana's user avatar
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4 votes

How to use KDE global menu with Firefox?

To use the global menu with Firefox currently requires a patch. Archisman Panigrahi explains: Global menu used to work with Firefox in KDE Neon 18.04 (and probably Kubuntu 18.04 as well), because (as ...
xiota's user avatar
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3 votes

In app menubar won't show after removing global menu widget

Well, simply, my question is about after using global menu widget the menu bar won't come back to the application title. For example, we can use Ctrl+M or Ctrl+Shift+M to hide/show menu bar like in ...
chi chow's user avatar
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3 votes

Global Menu in KDE 5.12 + with Wayland

X11 will still be used by KDE Plasma in the foreseeable future. There is still a lot of work to be done as evidenced by the following quote from KDE Decides the Three New Challenges: Wayland, ...
DK Bose's user avatar
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3 votes

Why is global menu difficult to maintain?

The global menu in linux is a menu that is exported (share the menu estructure with other applications) from an especifc aplication internal logic, to then be consumed (undrestand and display) by an ...
lestcape's user avatar
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LibreOffice: Document name in title bar?

Without seeing a screenshot this is my best guess. May be you have your current settings like the one below in your Settings -> Appearance -> Behavior: This will always show the Menus (like File, ...
Ron's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there any way to use global menu in Xubuntu 16.04?

WebUpd8 (the site you linked) has an updated instructions to make it work in Xubuntu 16.04. Some manual configurations are required such as creating a shell script in /etc/profile.d/topmenu-gtk.sh. ...
mike_s's user avatar
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ubuntu 16.04 global menu problem

As mentioned here, this is a bug. Though there is no ultimate fix for it, but this command can solve the problem temporarily: initctl restart unity-panel-service It works for me. Hope it be useful ...
Mostafa Ahangarha's user avatar
2 votes

Ubuntu 16.04 Mate - global menu bar is missing

The reason is Compiz. First delete the dconf and reboot. Then open Mate Tweak, switch to compiz - it usually screws up the desktop. Then click the button to revert to compiz default. Then switch back ...
Arijit Chatterjee's user avatar
2 votes

How to enable global menu for PhpStorm in 13.10

From Ubuntu 15 jayantana is installed by default but the global menu is disabled by default. Because jayantana crashes some java swing packages, if it doesn't you can activate globally or per ...
Saahithyan Vigneswaran's user avatar
2 votes

How can global menu / HUD be fixed for Audacity in 16.04?

I've finally found a solution to this, although by accident. Launching audacity via pasuspender actually fixes the HUD menu issue for some reason. And it does it consistently, every time. So by ...
TenLeftFingers's user avatar
2 votes

GNOME Global Application Menu highlights

This extension is discontinued and the last supported version of gnome-shell to that extension was the 3.28 (Ubuntu 18.04). But the link that you already provided have only support until 3.24. If you ...
lestcape's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there any way in which I can get back the global menu bar in ubuntu

Currently the easiest and best performing option would be to switch to the Mate desktop. The Mate desktop continues the global menu that was developed for Unity. It is turned on with the "Mutiny&...
vanadium's user avatar
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1 vote

How to expand out the application hamburger menu?

The name of what you're looking for is "locally integrated menus" for "window decorations". This is not currently possible natively in KDE. There is however the extension Material ...
Natalie Clarius's user avatar
1 vote

How to add pull down menu into current window in Gnome

This is not possible in Gnome Shell and its default applications (Evince, Files, ...) by design. Practically any other desktop environment still supports the use of a classical pull down menu's and ...
vanadium's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I have an application menu like macOS?

GNOME cannot do this. Unity can and is still available in the 20.04 repositories. Or, you can try the free Ubuntu Unity remix -- https://ubuntuunity.org/ I am running this on 1 machine and it's pretty ...
Liam Proven's user avatar
1 vote

How can I have an application menu like macOS?

I know for a fact that Unity has it. It's slightly hidden though. It only shows when you are hovering your mouse over title bar.
BDMCGaming's user avatar
1 vote

How can global menu / HUD be fixed for Audacity in 16.04?

I just wanted to insert the suggested command by @TenLeftFingers in Audacity launcher that found the reason: HUD is disabled on purpose. To enable it, if you have root access, you can edit the ...
AliNajafies's user avatar
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Global menu in PhpStorm on ubuntu 17.04

It is the same issue here: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/JRE-302 you should set XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Unity in the .desktop file after de Exec= This answer is related.
Jose Valencia's user avatar
1 vote

Global Menu Bar Gnome3

This is an implementation, note is in beta: https://gitlab.com/lestcape/Gnome-Global-AppMenu
lestcape's user avatar
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