62 votes

How do I install GnuPG 2.0?

On Ubuntu, GnuPG 2.0 is available for all supported releases under the package name gnupg2 (and they are all > 2.0.7). To install it, open a terminal (press CtrlAltT) and run this command: sudo apt-...
muru's user avatar
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10 votes

Update system except thunderbird, due to critical implementation of enigmail into TB

Instead of an command to update all packages but thunderbird, you set thunderbird to not update, then update the usual way. You can say sudo apt-mark hold thunderbird That will prevent updates from ...
Organic Marble's user avatar
5 votes

thunderbird stuck with 'Status: Creating mail message...'

Yes, it appears to be this bug: #687 Enigmail hanging on send - Thunderbird 52.1.1 Work-around One suggested work-around (confirmed by multiple bug report commentators) is to kill all GPG processes, ...
David Foerster's user avatar
4 votes

.gnupg/ and gpg.conf owner and permissions to satisty both GnuPG and Enigmail

The problem you have is the ownership and permissions on both folders and files in there. The home directory ~/.gnupg directory should only be owned by that user, and NOT by any other user; the same ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I prevent an OpenPGP key from being synchronized to keyservers?

No, there are no means of preventing keys from being uploaded to keyservers. Neither does RFC 4880 (OpenPGP) specify any restrictions, nor do the usual key server implementations support anything like ...
Jens Erat's user avatar
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1 vote

Thunderbird with Enigmail freezes

I had the same problem. What was not apparent to me is that in the new versions of Thunderbird, not only is the Enigmail functionality incorporated into Thunderbird (there is a message to that effect ...
Thomas Hedden's user avatar
1 vote

Thunderbird with Enigmail freezes

I have the same problem with Thunderbird 68.10.0 and Enigmail 2.1.8 on Ubuntu 18.04.5. The system is up-to-date. The following works for me: kill all thunderbird instances start thunderbird in safe ...
pLup-s's user avatar
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Failing to generate keys in Thunderbird Enigmail

Encountered the same or at least a similar problem on Ubuntu 18.04. I installed Thunderbird via software application, and then added enigmail within Thunderbird's add-ons. Tried to generate a gnupg ...
MarkHelms's user avatar
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Secret key has missing trust [sic] in Thunderbird

From the command line: gpg --edit-key 'Your key' Then you should see something like that: gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.4; Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software: you are free to ...
dlakomski's user avatar
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Restore enigmail private keys from file system

I found my solution here. Private keys can be recovered by moving .key files from old to new private-keys-v1.d folder and restarting gnupg. mv ~/backup/home/user123/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/*.key ~/....
marco's user avatar
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1 vote

Seahorse does not provide passwords anymore

I have found the solution, the question is related to this bug: bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-keyring/+bug/1689825. The fix is to execute sudo apt autoremove --purge dbus-user-session. ...
onda47's user avatar
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1 vote

GPG/Agent does not ask for password

I had the same issue. I removed the default pinentry package, namely pinentry-gnome3, and installed pinentry-qt instead, and now enigma does prompt me for the pass. I hope it works for you.
Abbas Goher Khan's user avatar
1 vote

In Evolution, how do I attach my public key to a message?

Evolution does not have a feature for quickly attaching the public key like this. Instead, attaching a public-key is like attaching normal file. You'll need to locate the public-key in your folder, ...
Yaron's user avatar
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1 vote

Enigmail in Thunderbird works only with root

I had the same issue. Apparently you need to give the right permissions to ~./.gnupg: sudo chmod 777 .gnupg/ -R
Ernesto Pineda's user avatar
1 vote

Back-up utility endlessly asks for encryption password

The conflict has been caused by an invalid line in the /home/user/.gnupg/gpg.conf file. This particular line pinentry-program /usr/local/bin/pinentry-gtk-2 had been added by the user for Enigmail ...
XavierStuvw's user avatar
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Enigmail not asking for pgp passphrase but saying no key available

I had a similar problem. Thunderbird was asking again and again to put in my key's password and Gnome keyring wouldn't remember it, although I asked it to. The problem was, that gpg-agent wasn't ...
user5950's user avatar
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