14 votes

Opendkim won't start: can't open PID file?

I fixed it by specifying the PidFile in the /etc/opendkim.conf file: PidFile /var/run/opendkim/opendkim.pid I think it's better to solve it here than modifying the systemd script. ...
gitaarik's user avatar
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6 votes

Opendkim won't start: can't open PID file?

Since this daemon runs alone, systemd doesn't need anything special to manage it. Importantly, having a "PIDFile" directive suggests that it's a more complicated service, and will put a PID into the ...
Hack Saw's user avatar
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4 votes

Using DKIM in my server for multiple domains (websites)

This script automates the part after "Done! The server is ready to work with DKIM" To help automate this process a little I created this bash script. Just add one domain like 'example.com' per line ...
Belldandu's user avatar
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4 votes

Using DKIM in my server for multiple domains (websites)

This script automates the part after "Done! The server is ready to work with DKIM" To help automate this process a little I created this bash script. Just add one 'domain.com' per line inside the ...
Radium's user avatar
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2 votes

Can't install DKIM/Postfix on server 16.04

Try this: edit the /etc/opendkim.conf. Change the following: From Socket inet:8891@localhost to Socket inet:[email protected]
snape's user avatar
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1 vote

Ubuntu 20.04 with postfix + OpenDKIM, not sign my emails

I was also having this issue. For me the fix was to change *@mydomain.com to simply mydomain.com in the signing table file (/etc/opendkim/signing.table in your example).
Theodore Brown's user avatar
1 vote

Opendkim won't start: can't open PID file?

In my case was due to the fact that /var/run was a symlink to /run. After changing the PIDFile path from /var/run/opendkim/opendkim.pid in /run/opendkim/opendkim.pid in opendkim.service, the problem ...
CozC's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

unsafe map file /etc/mail/access.db: Permission denied

The error you are facing is: hash map "access": unsafe map file /etc/mail/access.db means that sendmail identify potential security issue with the permission access to the file/folder. i.e. non-...
Yaron's user avatar
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1 vote

4.7.1 Service Unavailable - try again later

So, I realised that the clamav-daemon wasn't restarting properly, which also uses(correct terminology??) the milter. On reviewing the log for the clamav-milter (/var/log/clamav/clamav-milter.log) I ...
infinityplusb's user avatar

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