3 votes

How to install CD burning on 24.04

While your question is off-topic on this site because 24.04 is not released yet, you can install Brasero to burn CD/DVD in any version of Ubuntu. sudo apt install brasero For the missing icons, you ...
Archisman Panigrahi's user avatar
2 votes

Install CD burner on Try Ubuntu

When running Ubuntu Desktop live 'Try Ubuntu', the repository universe must be added sudo add-apt-repository universe and then you can install the burners sudo apt update sudo apt install brasero k3b ...
sudodus's user avatar
  • 46.4k
2 votes

Can't burn to CD with any program in Ubuntu 22.04

The wodim arguments under "BraseroWodim got varg:" look somewhat overdone for the task of burning an ISO image. I wonder from where the cuefile stems. It seems to contain a bad instruction: ...
Thomas Schmitt's user avatar
1 vote

How do I automatically echo the pwd to the shell after cd command?

The short answer: you have a PS1 environment variable which describes the structure of the prompt. Including \w in that variable will cause the current working directory to be shown in the prompt. ...
Jos's user avatar
  • 29.3k

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