45 votes

How to replace mdns4_minimal with BIND?

mDNS or Multicast DNS service It is provided by Avahi/Bonjour daemon, which lets small network computers to use names even if no central DNS is present. It uses by default the .local domain. If you ...
user.dz's user avatar
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21 votes

Difference between --rbind and --bind in mounting

You've rightly observed that, with both --bind and --rbind, you see directories under the bind mount. The difference is that, with --rbind but not with --bind, you see the contents of other bind ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
14 votes

isc_stdio_open '/var/log/bind9/query.log' failed: permission denied

On /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.named /var/log/named/** rw, /var/log/named/ rw, You must adjust permissions or dir here. Some people like to put logs in /var/log/named/ instead of having syslog do the ...
Édson Flávio de Souza's user avatar
11 votes

How to mount bind in fstab?

You are not allowed to use " (or '). You need to use codepoints. Use \040 for a space. It is the octal codepoint for a space. So like this: /mnt/c/Users/clego/OneDrive\040-\040ESEO/Cours/I2/ /...
Rinzwind's user avatar
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7 votes

BIND9 will not resolve

I have not looked into the details yet, but the problem lies in this line: dnssec-validation auto; It seems that the version of bind9 in 16.04 enables dnssec-validation by default. Switching to: ...
Trey Boudreau's user avatar
7 votes

xmodmap doesn't work anymore after upgrading to 22.04

The reason why it does not work anymore: upgrading to 22.04 has now put you on the Wayland server, where the classical tools for Xorg do not anymore work. You can switch to Xorg again by logging out, ...
vanadium's user avatar
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6 votes

binding back/forward to mouse buttons

Fix Scrolling Speed and back/forward buttons on a Logitech G900 (should be the same for this one): xev didn’t work for my mouse, I used the command xinput to find out the device ID of my mouse first. ...
Dorian Gaensslen's user avatar
6 votes

Difference between --rbind and --bind in mounting

Read man 8 mount. It says (emphasis added): Bind mounts Remount part of the file hierarchy somewhere else. The call is: mount --bind olddir newdir or by using this fstab entry: /...
waltinator's user avatar
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5 votes

systemd/init bind to port

The issue here is that you have competing methods of trying to start gpsd and set up the second. The first method you are using is systemd and socket activation. In this design, systemd sets up the ...
Mark Stosberg's user avatar
5 votes

DNS server can't find PTR record: NXDOMAIN

You are overdoing it. In your /etc/bind/named.conf.local file, you have already declared the snippet for reverse zone 190.168.192.in-addr.arpa i.e. 192.168.190: zone "190.168.192.in-addr.arpa" { ...
heemayl's user avatar
  • 91.8k
4 votes

'options' redefined near 'options'

Solved. I had a redundancy trying to use both the options in the named.conf and the named.conf.options so I just edited line 1 out
Itay Gurvich's user avatar
4 votes

How to set BIND DNS server to listen on UDP port 53?

This is the important line from your netstat output relevant to the question you ask about UDP port 53 being listened on or not: udp 0 0* This is ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
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4 votes

Vulnerabilities in Bind9

When speaking about vulnerabilities and asking questions, it's incredibly important that you be specific when referring to versions of software, like you are with BIND and the CVEs. There is no "...
matigo's user avatar
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3 votes

Where bind9 slave server stores transfered zone file?

Sorry for the delay of answer mate, strange that nobody have already answered to that question of yours. I guess you already figured it out but just in case... So, you shouldn't decide where to put ...
vigilian's user avatar
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3 votes

How could one disable bind9's recursion and do forwarding only for DNS queries?

There's an excellent discussion of this at https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-configure-bind-as-a-caching-or-forwarding-dns-server-on-ubuntu-14-04. What you're doing is basically ...
Lindsay Haisley's user avatar
3 votes

How to hide bind mounts in nautilus?

Add comment=x-gvfs-hide to mount options (4th column) in /etc/fstab. This will tell your file manager to hide that mount. In your case: bindfs#/mnt/sda5/tobi/Downloads /home/tobi/Downloads fuse ...
nobody's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes

No manual entries for recvfrom, sendto, and bind commands in Ubuntu 18.04

If you want to read the manual pages of the system calls by these names (as opposed to the command-line applications outlined in karel’s answer) please make sure that the manpages-dev package is ...
David Foerster's user avatar
3 votes

bind9 slave error on transfer: dumping master file: /etc/bind/zones... open: permission denied

The correct location to store the slaves zone is /var/lib/bind, /etc/bind is the user configuration location. As you can see, apparmor denied the write in /etc/bind folder. Update your slave zone to ...
ob2's user avatar
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3 votes

Difference between --rbind and --bind in mounting

The reason being is bind and rbind solve different problems. For example, my son wants to access my media database from windows across the country. So I grant him an ssh login, and tell him to ...
Bill's user avatar
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3 votes

bind9 logs; resolver priming query (5/ minute)

Ran into this myself and had to work through to resolve it. I kept getting those messages in the logs until I forced a resolution of each root resolver in order. Even a reboot of the server wouldn't ...
dmcgrandle's user avatar
3 votes

Server Can't Find: SERVFAIL & Bind9 DNS Server Setup

change in your file named.conf.options: dnssec-validation no; acl "trusted" {; }; options { directory "/var/cache/bind"; // If your ISP ...
Діма Ліщинський's user avatar
2 votes

DNS Server with bind9 cannot resolve reverse zone

The problem is in the order of IP address octets in reverse zone file /var/lib/bind/db.xxx.10.in-addr.arpa. In reverse zone declaration, you have used xxx.10.in-addr.arpa as the $ORIGIN, while in the ...
heemayl's user avatar
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2 votes

binding back/forward to mouse buttons

After much flailing about, I found that to get the two small triangular buttons under the thumb (next to the thumb wheel) to work as back/forward with my Logitech MX Master, I had to: Install imwheel,...
Bill Richman's user avatar
2 votes

binding back/forward to mouse buttons

Scroll up and down with mouse forward and back buttons First, install the required packages: $ sudo apt install x11-utils xbindkeys xautomation Next, use xev provided by x11-utils to detect the exact ...
Serge Stroobandt's user avatar
2 votes

Samba 4 ADDC with Bind_DLZ in Ubuntu 16.04

Although this article (http://blogging.dragon.org.uk/samba4-ad-dc-on-ubuntu-14-04/) is titled referencing U14.04, I have successfully used it with U16.04.1LTS. Surprisingly, this article is quite ...
bobwdn's user avatar
  • 36
2 votes

IPV6 Binding Failure Error: Cannot assign requested address

The line memcpy(&(sin.sin6_addr), "fc00:1234:1::10",sizeof(sin.sin6_addr)); is wrong; that's absolutely not how you set the address and port of a socket. Please see man 7 ipv6 and the question "...
AlexP's user avatar
  • 10.2k
2 votes

Why forwarding-only local caching bind9 instance queries 'root' zone servers?

I think you missunderstand the way that dig's trace mode actually works. Looking at dig's man page you get the following information: +[no]trace Toggle tracing of the delegation path from the root ...
randomnickname's user avatar
2 votes

Bind 9.10.4-P4 not available on ubuntu?

The vulnerability you are referring to in the comments is CVE-2016-2776. It was fixed in Ubuntu 16.04 in version 1:9.10.3.dfsg.P4-8ubuntu1.1 of the BIND packages. You can check your installed version ...
fkraiem's user avatar
  • 12.6k
2 votes

How can I setup up DNS using Google?

Your XYZ provider will (very likely) have a web page or other configuration interface which will allow you to create an IPv4 address record (A record) to map the domain you lease via XYZ to the IPv4 ...
user4556274's user avatar
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