Questions tagged [zsh]

zsh is a shell designed for interactive use, although it is also a powerful scripting language. Many of the useful features of bash, ksh, and tcsh were incorporated into zsh; many original features were added.

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10 votes
2 answers

Why isn't my zsh ls colorful?

Spin up a new 16.04 server instance, install zsh, chsh to zsh, create the default .zshrc, log back in, ls output is not in colors. The .zshrc does seem to have all the proper dircolors and LS_COLORS ...
0 votes
1 answer

Command `ip a show` in `zsh` not working

I have an Ubuntu 18.04 distro in which I use zsh as default shell instead of bash. Since I like the Kali Linux zsh setup, I copied the .zshrc config file to the Ubuntu machine and my shell seems to ...
16 votes
5 answers

ZSH removed, cannot relogin

So I have install zsh and I didnt like it. so I did apt-get remove zsh From that point I cannot relogin, i click my user.. and then it just go back to the login screen. I can only login with the ...
20 votes
5 answers

zsh man page documentation missing in packages?

I have a newly installed xubuntu 13.10 x64. I decided to install zsh via synaptic and make it my default shell. The installed zsh's version is: zsh 5.0.2 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu). The installed zsh ...
5 votes
1 answer

zsh true color disabled on WSL2?

Using Various Terminals for Win10 with WSL2 ubuntu 20.04 with Powerline10k. Tested color output with python module rich. As Powershell clearly shows, Windows Terminal can output True-color. But weird ...
0 votes
1 answer

Odd behavior adding to $PATH - ZSH

ZSH 5.8 Everywhere I've seen, the method I keep seeing for adding a directory to my ZSH $PATH has been adding to my .zshrc export PATH=/what/i/add:$PATH and while this did add what I wanted to my path,...
2 votes
0 answers

chsh: PAM: Permission denied

I've seen the other threads on this, but nothing as specific and explicit as mine. I'm trying change my Shell from standard Bash to ZSH. Using chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh gets me the following error: chsh: ...
0 votes
0 answers

Whenever I open terminal , My terminal is running some process but why?

I am new to ubuntu . I have never used any linux based OS before .I am using zsh shell . I was setting up a development of a open source project on my machine for open source contribution . I followed ...
0 votes
1 answer

How i can change my splash screen with zsh terminal?

Guys I install a bad splash screen and my KDE desktop is broke and not loud bet I have access to my terminal so I want to change my splash screen by terminal maybe my problem is fixed I use Kubuntu 20....
1 vote
2 answers

Issues with using oh-my-zsh on WSL Bash (on Windows using Ubuntu)

I am having issues running executables such as terraform, docker, pip, and sam. Whenever I run in the command line I receive an error for each of these executables: "Command not found". However, if ...
2 votes
1 answer

Nautilus opens the home directory only, then proceeds to hang, and make the zsh terminal unresponsive to commands

I've been having this issue with nautilus, where when i open the terminal and I'm on the home directory, and i run nautilus. I noticed that no matter what directory i was in, it always opened the home ...
0 votes
1 answer

autojump bug - /usr/bin/env: ‘python333333’: No such file or directory

While running cd, i always get a message like this, and i observed the number of 3's keep increasing as i close the terminal and reopen it. I tried uninstalling autojump and installing it again, and ...
0 votes
1 answer

Prevent new terminal from being opened in the same directory

I have installed the following on Ubuntu 20.10 zsh Oh my zsh terminator When I open a new tab or split window in the terminator, I find that the current working directory is copied from the previous ...
0 votes
3 answers

Why does the following zsh command change my output? [closed]

When I execute this command port=3128 echo $port:localhost I get 3128ocalhost as output. PS: When I change the first 'l' char it works fine. I can't even google it.
5 votes
4 answers

Terminal multiple countdown timer app for Bash / Zsh

I'm looking for an app to organize my daily tasks in different countdown timers similar to the one found at Features I'm looking for would be: runs in terminal bash or zsh ...
1 vote
2 answers

How can I iterate over shell function completions and alias completions before external command completions in zsh?

As it stands when I hit TAB to iterate over possible completions for a partial command external command completions are iterated first: user@user-X550CL ~ % apt Completing external command apt ...
25 votes
4 answers

Possible side effects of changing shell from zsh to bash

My web server was tampered by someone who was using zsh shell. I feel more comfortable using bash shell, as that's the defaults that come with Ubuntu and OS X (the two main operating systems I use). ...
1 vote
1 answer

ZSH isn't following powerlevel9k theme

I installed the powerlevel9k theme 3 days ago. It was working just fine, but since yesterday my prompt is not displaying the theme. It looks like this. What can I do to fix this issue?
2 votes
3 answers

How to make zsh in byobu to be a login shell?

Long story short, I have a zsh setup, and I am using gnome terminal. I recently installed Byobu and enabled it. Now when I start a new terminal and Byobu comes up, my shell is not a login shell. I ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to reset PYTHONPATH to earlier value

I had been tinkering with PYTHONPATH for some work and wrote the following in my .zshrc file: export PYTHONPATH="someDirectories:aFewMoreDirectories" I then sourced the .zshrc file and then ...
0 votes
0 answers

adding alias to .zshrc "bad assignment" [duplicate]

I am trying to create an alias for this docker command: docker ps -a --format="table {{ .Names }} \t {{ .Image }} \t {{ .Status }} \t {{ .Ports }}" I'm using zsh so I added this to my .zshrc ...
0 votes
0 answers

Unable to source zshrc during a terminal emulator's startup

Installed Tilix terminal emulator on Ubuntu 16.04 virtual machine and configured a json theme to my liking named theme.json. I have added the same environment variables and aliases both in the .bashrc ...
0 votes
1 answer

I Can't Change my Default Interactive Shell from bash to zsh

Basically I want to change from bash to zsh so I ran the command chsh -s /bin/zsh It then asks me for my password to change the shell but when I enter it it says chsh: no changes made How do I ...
0 votes
1 answer

How can I add ZSH themes

I recently installed zsh and I tried installing some themes, but they didn't seem to work. This is how the .zshrc looks like: # If you come from bash you might have to change your $PATH. # export PATH=...
0 votes
1 answer

Ctrl-C interrupts process, but doesn't clear terminal line

When I press Ctrl-C, I receive interrupts for running processes (e.g., sleep 10, followed by Ctrl-C, will immediately terminate the running process). However, it doesn't clear the terminal line - in ...
0 votes
1 answer

Customizing Ubuntu to look like mac

You should see my setup first. I customized Gnome to look like mac I even changed the name to macOS catalina but I don't know how to change the Host> HP Slim Desktop 290-p0xxx and that tiny ...
1 vote
0 answers

ZSH wont install on fresh ubuntu 20.04 (rpi4) [duplicate]

I've just installed 20.04 on my new rpi4 8gb and I'm trying to install ZSH. It should be in the main repo and should be installed with sudo apt install zsh. Unfortunently it throws an error: E: Unable ...
0 votes
1 answer

ZSH on Ubuntu - many applications missing from Start Menu

Many applications are missing from start menu after installing ZSH as instructed here. How do I restore the applications to start menu, while also keeping ZSH? Operating System: Kubuntu 20.04 KDE ...
2 votes
1 answer

command-not-found does not complain about unknown commands in zsh

I installed the command-not-found package and am loading it in my .zshrc like so: source /etc/zsh_command_not_found While I now get suggestions for commands that are not found but can be obtained by ...
1 vote
0 answers

oh-my-zsh theme doesn't apply completely

I install oh-my-zsh follow the instructions on github-wiki. But something is not right. My terminal still has ui and background color of old ubuntu terminal. Terminal My .zshrc config: # If you come ...
49 votes
2 answers

chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh not working

I'm trying to permanently change my shell to zsh using chsh command, but it's not working. zsh is installed (via apt) and works fine when I invoke it directly from a bash prompt terminal. But I ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why is my terminal prompt showing as a very long command that I ran last night?

I downloaded a large number of free data science books yesterday via a command (here, for those of you who are interested) and as of this evening, around 15 minutes ago, my terminal is now showing the ...
3 votes
3 answers

deleted .zshrc file and messed up few things

Oh-My-Zsh was working fine. I was editing .zshrc file and somethings messed up. Following this post I tried to reset my zsh. I deleted everything related to zsh. ran: sudo apt-get purge zsh and ...
1 vote
1 answer

Command name printed after executing

After running any command, the first thing to print is the name of the command itself. Example: ~ > echo "test" echotest ~ > cd Downloads cd% ~/Downloads > Interestingly, opening tmux ...
8 votes
1 answer

zsh: read:-p: no coprocess error while using read command with -p flag

community. I recently started to use zsh instead of bash and now i'm getting some problems that cannot be found on bash. One of theme: when i use read -p command, obviously with flag -p, i get an ...
2 votes
1 answer

Create alias with oh my zsh

Bit confused here, within the ~/.zshrc file I have specified the following: # Set personal aliases, overriding those provided by oh-my-zsh libs, # plugins, and themes. Aliases can be placed here, ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to have a Universal autosuggestion for any code entered once in any zsh terminal

Suppose I type a set of commands in a particular pane of Tmux. The autosuggestion feature of Tmux recognizes and helps in that pane (terminal). Let me say I started a new pane. The autosuggestion ...
1 vote
0 answers

Xubuntu 19.10 with ZSH hangs after login in tty

I have oh-my-zsh installed on my Xubuntu 19.10. Sometimes, as (X)ubuntu usually does, it freezes together with the whole X server. Therefore I wanted to switch to tty1. Once I provided my credentials, ...
1 vote
3 answers

Create files with exact name as in a given directory

Say there is a directory foo where there are files: $ ls 001.mp4 002.mp4 While being in another directory bar I'd like to have the same files as in bar but empty. What have I tried so far: When in ...
0 votes
2 answers

Change duplicated extension of multiple files recursively from the command line

My question is almost the same as those, however, its solution doesn't work my for my case. I'd like to remove duplicated extension (in my case and have only one (i.e. .zip). I tried: ...
0 votes
0 answers

ZSH do not remeber github id

I recently switched to zsh and oh my zsh and now every time i want to push in my github account, I have to give my username and password. It is not remembering it. Bash still remembers it. How to ...
0 votes
1 answer

Progressively resizing a pane, by keeping an arrow button pressed

When pressing CTRL + B, ← (or another arrow key) I am able to resize the current pane of one step only. I was expecting to be able to resize the pane progressively by keeping the prefix and arrow ...
0 votes
1 answer

Switching to ZSH Bricked My Mac Mini

I'm running Unbutu 18.04 on a Mac Mini with a single boot (i.e., no MacOS image). I wanted to switch to the zsh shell. I ran the command: sudo apt-get install zsh I then ran: zsh --version and ...
0 votes
0 answers

18.04 won't load source every time

I installed zsh and ohMyZsh on my system ubuntu desktop 18.04. Although xsh is the default shell, I always have to run the command source $ZSH/ to load the theme. How can I set up my ...
1 vote
0 answers

ZSH /etc/zsh/zshrc - function definition file not found

I installed zsh and oh-my-zsh across multiple users, and I saw a post about symlinking /root/.zshrc and /root/.oh-my-zsh with $HOME path variable so all users would have the same config files. ln -s $...
2 votes
3 answers

Have previously set zsh as default, then uninstalled it, I now cannot use the bash in Visual Studio had "usr/bin/zsh" value. But as i have uninstalled it terminal didnt open Then i changed some values For,, "bash" For, terminal....
0 votes
1 answer

ZSH Alias with Multiple Commands giving "command not found"

I am using this series of commands to build and run a docker container. The commands work when combined with && and give output like this: > docker stop $(docker ps -a -q --filter ...
6 votes
4 answers

How to fix "zsh compinit: insecure directories"?

When I run fakeroot in zsh it always gives me this warning: zsh compinit: insecure directories, run compaudit for list. Ignore insecure directories and continue [y] or abort compinit [n]? I can ...
3 votes
2 answers

Why is my alias not working in Zsh?

I have added my alias to ~/.aliases file and the file right now is like this: alias gss="git status" alias gl="git log" alias pa="php artisan" alias reload=". ~/.zshrc && echo 'ZSH config ...
1 vote
1 answer

source $HOME/.bashrc conflicts with zsh?

When I do source $HOME/.bashrc, it results in the following: As you can see, it jumbles up the text where the path of the current directory would be. I am calling this because I am trying to change ...

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